Saturday, May 26, 2012

Who Is The Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is God himself, the third person of the trinity, the person that created the earth. He is a member of the Godhead. (Gen 1:26). He is a Spirit and cannot be seen with the optical eyes, but he is real as a person sitting next to you. (John 14:17). He has a personality, just like every human. He can be grieved, (Ephesians 4:23-31) and He speaks (Acts 13:2, 10:19-20, 11:12, 21:11). He is the angel of God’s presence. (Isaiah 63:9-10). He is the one, who brings to us on earth the power of the almighty God.

Though Jesus is in heaven, His presence is felt here on earth. God dwells between the Cherubin of glory but his presence can be felt in this world through the Holy Ghost. God is too big to dwell in us, but he is able to dwell in us by the Holy Spirit.

All the time that God appeared to men, it was the Holy Spirit that brought God’s presence to men. He is the angel of God’s presence. He is one of the same kind with Jesus Christ, (John 14:16-20). He talks, heals, saves and does every thing like Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is just like the father, which means the Holy Spirit is just like the father. It then implies that the father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are one of the same kind with one another. The father says the same thing as Jesus, just as the Holy Ghost speaks the very words of Jesus. (John 13:13).
Parakletos means

Comforter (John 14:16, 2 Cor 1:3)

Counselor (Isaiah 11:2, Rom. 8:16)

Helper (Rom. 8:26-28)

Strengthener (Philippians 4:13, Isaiah 11:2)

Intercessor (Rom 8:26)

Teacher (1 Cor. 2:9-11, 1 John 2:20&27, John 16:13)

Standby (2 Cor. 12:9-10)


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Who are you?

Firstly, a Christian is a NEW CREATION. ‘’therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.’’ To walk in the newness of life as the Bible declares is to understand that we have become new creatures with new kind of life. This life is not human. It is ZOE, The God kind of life.

We are not talking about a change, behaviour or refurbished character. We are talking about a brand new man who has never existed before. Paul says that in God (Galatians 6:15). (Ehesians 4:22-24). The new creation is a new man created in God’s divine nature of righteousness and holiness. They are his attributes. (2 Peter 1:4).

Secondly, a Christian becomes the son of God when he becomes born again. This time of a different father. Not the earthly father but the heavenly Father through his seed. ‘’Which is born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.’’ (John 1:13) behold, what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the SONS OF GOD’’ This is why we cry ‘’Abba Father,’’ John 1:13, Romans 8:16-17.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Prosperity In Christ

What is prosperity and what does the Bible says about it? 2 Cor. 8:9, Joshua 1:7-8 prosperity is success, influence and riches. It does not only have to do with money but also health, spiritual and physical. Prosperity is God’s will. God desires for us to prosper. 3 John 2

Purpose of prosperity Deuteronomy 8:17-18

To establish Gods convert on earth

So we can have to give

Not many believe that Christians should be wealthy and prosperous in material things. But Apostle John clearly states that, it is God’s foremost desires for his Children to live in prosperity. ‘’Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in HEALTH, even as thy soul prospereth.’’ (3 John 2). Jesus did not only suffer for our sins and sicknesses. He also suffered for our prosperity. He paid all the necessary penalty for our freedom from poverty. 2 Corinthians 8:9. God has reason why he wants his Children to prosper.


Friday, May 4, 2012

Why We Pray

Prayer is such an important part in our lives as Christians. First of all, we must recognize prayer as a privilege as well as an honour. Every moment of prayer is an investment in eternity and true prayer is a romance of righteousness. Our fellowship is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Through prayer we participate in the communion of the God-kind; it’s a throne-room caucus rendezvous: Jesus made it so! Oh, that the eyes of our understanding may be enlightened to see this awesome truth and that we may walk in the light of it! What a time of rich communion with the Lord prayer provides us!

Prayer is primarily our communication with the Lord. Communication has purpose, and the purpose usually determines the mode and relevant details for the communication to be effective.

The disciples of Jesus were Jews and they knew how to pray religiously. After walking with Jesus for a while, they realized that Jesus didn’t pray as they did. He actually had results continually in a way that startled them. They finally said to the Master, ‘’Teach us to pray.’’

Many have had their understanding of prayer distorted by ‘’religion’’ and wrong teaching. As a result, they have difficulties changing their misconceptions on even fundamental truths about prayer.

Scripture enjoys us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer helps to season our spirits as a receptacle for God’s Spirit and power. Then we can connect with His ideas, visions and leadings more easily in order to change the world.

When we pray, we make tremendous power available, dynamic in its working, causing changes in our favour. Certain prayer sessions are specially designed by the Lord to help straighten our things in the spirit-realm regarding our immediate or later future as individuals, families or ministries. How wonderful that we can change circumstances and alter destinies in His Name through prayer! We serve a kind, loving, great and gracious God who daily loads us with benefits (Psalms 68:19). During times of prayer, we can meditate on His goodness and appropriate these benefits to our life’s circumstances.

Types Of Prayer

  • The prayer of faith
  • The prayer of petition
  • Praying with the Spirit
  • The prayer of agreement
  • The prayer of intercession
  • Praying for the Saints
  • Praying for the material needs
  • Prophetic prayer
  • The prayer of worship, praise and thanksgiving.
It is God’s earnest desire to have a rich, vibrant and enduring fellowship with His children.
