Saturday, November 7, 2015

How To Increase Conversion Rate On pinterest (conversion Rate Optimization)

How to increase conversion rate on pinterest is a very important and common question to modern bloggers.

If you are an online marketer, then you must have understood that each time they are talking about conversion rate, then they are talking about increasing sales.

Well if you want to learn how to increase conversion rate on pinterest, then you have to forget about sales, we are talking here about followers.

Pinterest is a social media site like facebook, twitter...

Unlike facebook and twitter where people are busy posting short messages, on pinterest you post pictures

Like all the other social media sites, you have to learn how pinterest works.

Pinterest is dominated by females.

What does that tell you?

If you want to increase your conversion rate on pinterest, then you need you know what a female audience is after.

Pinterest is known for its high referral rate.

It has more referral rate than twitter and facebook.

It is not a waste of time to learn how to increase conversion rate on pinterest.

Talking about conversion rate, there are people with a 10,  90% conversion rate.

What is a 10, 90% conversion rate?

Such people might be following 1000 and just 100 followers in return.

If you get that, don't get happy it's sad.

There are people with 50, 50%.

They might be following 1000 people and have 500 followers in return.

This is not bad.

They are known as intermediate on pinterest.

Then you have people with a 75, 25%.

These people might follow say 1000 people and have 750 followers in return.

These are known as the experts on pinterest.

Becoming an expert on pinterest is simple.

You just need to know what you are dealing with.

- Who to follow: I will like to elaborate on this.

You can't be promoting modelling pictures on pinterest, have a modelling blog and then you are busy following home garden fans.

- Your target audience.

- Types of pins.

- Website or blog owner.

All that said, we were just trying to know how to increase conversion rate on pinterest.

This is how.

Whether you are blogging on ''how to make people visit my new blog''

When you get on pinterest, you have to know that you are dealing with a female audience.

So maybe you want to add some girly thing there.

Instead of how to make people visit my new blog, maybe you want to start pinning pictures about how to make people visit my new fashion blog.

Also try to be targeted.

Don't promote a pin on how to make people visit my new blog and then follow people promoting kitchen utensils.

If you are trying to promote such a blog, then you want to follow people that are interested in knowing how to blog or other related topics.

When people started writing about popular social media sites like facebook and twitter, they found out that teaching others how to work on these sites gave the post more attention.

So if you are working on pinterest, then promoting a post such as how to increase conversion rate on pinterest will definitely get more conversion.

Pinterest have been known for its refferal power.

Better than twitter and facebook.

Learning how to increase conversion rate on pinterest is not a vain process.

One of your pins can go viral creating allot of attention for you.

The Complete 2015 Niche Ideas Guide For Advanced Students

In the country (Cameroon) where I grew up, before students go into the university, they have to go through an exam known as advanced level.

I will need to go into some advanced research to come out with the final series known as ''the complete 2015 niche ideas guide for university students.''

Here students are required to think a little out of the class, be able to do simple laboratory experiment.

So this is where I got the title ''the complete 2015 niche ideas for advanced students.''

If you read the last article ''the complete 2015 niche ideas for blogger beginners,'' then have graduated to this one, then fine for you.

Or maybe you are already an advanced student knows what's going on, then get on board lets see where this leads us.

By now what I expect you to do to be in this class is?

90% of people out there are just out to make money.

They have the budget to spend to get good google rankings and grab every last piece of $$$ from you promising heaven and delivering hell.

I'm attacking those that are selling things to you online?

Yes!!! I am.

Most of what they will sell to you is worth giving out free of charge or even not useful enough.

Yes they are allowed to make some money from what they have known within the years.

But most of them will just get online

- know that people are blogging

- Know that people are making money blogging

- Know what successful people have done

Then they jump on it like advanced students not knowing how it is done and what this people have gone through, the mistakes they have made.

They will rape that garbage in a pdf file, spend some money on advertisement.

And then they get all that money back from you.

You buy them do all what they have said and then wonder why it doesn't work.


What they gave you is either insufficient or not good enough.

I'm just trying to warn you.

To be 4 walls is to be forearmed.

Let those that have ears hear.

I could have raped this in a pdf file and get some decent cash.

Yet I give it out free because we are talking here about the trust and loyalty and not the money.

You need more readers than more buyers.

So with all that said what is the complete 2015 nice idea guide for advanced students going to be teaching you.

By now must of you must have been discouraged after spending allot of money with little or no results.

Some have given up.

Some are still spending money on seo experts, social media scientists...

Stop buying all that junk!!!


What you need is motivation and encouragement.

We will try to rekindle that here.

What you want to see is people visiting your blog regularly and then make some money.

Don't try to fool people.

If you have been spending time writing a tone of 300 word articles like the seo experts will tell you, then what you want to do is stop.

You want content that will self promote.

How do you do that?

Write a well detailed information about what you know like ''the complete 2015 niche ideas guide for advanced students.''

If people are happy with what you have said, they will share it.

Don't be intimidated by the number of people that are found in your niche.

Go back in time.

See the post of those that posted before you.

if you can better them, then you have a gold mine in your hands.

Be an expert.

Not like the fake experts.

Maybe you have chosen a niche idea like ''2015 niche ideas.''

Now this is what you want to do.

You can head over to facebook.

Search for all those that are trying to promote the topic ''2015 niche ideas''

Some might just have a

- facebook profile.

- others a facebook group.

- and yet some a page.

Check the number of

- friends

- group members

- facebook likes they have.

If it is low say 100 - 1000 then don't be afraid to email them opting to promote their business for them.

The fun part is, here you are allowed to charge.

Try to be fair though.

Your advantage will be you will be promoting their business then yours and most of them will leave their login information with you where you can use to promote other customers.

You can also find this type of people on twitter trying to promote their local blog called ''2015 niche ideas''

Approach them give them best add and color ideas.

If they see that your ideas worked they might hire you for bigger projects.

When you start growing, don't become proud.

You will find out that little ones will always try to contact you per email or through your comment section.

Don't ignor them.

Some of them will eventually grow big or even bigger as you and will remember that little favor you did for them that day.

I don't know if you have understood ''the complete niche idea guide for advanced students.''

Here you have to be creative.

You want to get above the noise and create expertise.

The Complete 2015 Niche Ideas Guide For Blogger Beginners

People have found a legitimate way to make money online through blogging.

In blogging, what you will be writing about is known as niche.

In this article ''the complete 2015 niche ideas guide for blogger beginners,'' we are going to fine out the answers to the following questions.

Have you heard people are making thousands just by writing articles online?

Have you heard people are making millions from their blogs or websites?

Are you wandering how they are doing that?

Then come to me let us talk.

Let us say you have found Mr nice guy.

You do not have to write about rocket science in order to make money on the internet nor do you have to write about atomic decay to earn financial independence online.

Read on to find out how a woman is making 50.000$ online from the simple things you think do not matter.

There are Africans scattered around the world that have never been to Africa, there are South Africans in Australia that have never been to South Africa, There are Germans in Russia that have never been in Germany.

Can you create a niche idea from that?

They will tell it to everyone if you send them something from home.

Now where are you found in this world?

In which city are you found in the particular country you are located?

Take some time to learn about the History of that country or the city in which you are found.

Learn where must of the people have gone to, for example during the times of slavery, world war, or where the people regularly take their vacations.

People have been known to fall in love unawares.

They might have been capture during the times of slavery to America or any other part of the world, they might have flight to another country during the times of war, they might have been captured by love in a vacation in a new city or country.

Now how can you create a niche idea from this?

Read local news papers, listen to local news radio stations, watch local TV stations,  gather as much information as you can and write articles about these information in a conversational tone, so as to give readers the opportunity to contribute in the conversation.

If you just start asking them to buy these information, in the long run they won't like it and they will run away from you with time.

Some will buy from you from the happiness they will get in the short run.

I can't imagine how happy I get when I get something I know about from home, like a food receipt, how it excite my mind, I will pay anything just to get that news.

But as time goes on I return to my new life (living in Germany).

So this is what you what to do, collect as much information as you can from the means I just listed above, come out with conversational articles about those information, then create a website or a blog and post these articles on.

These will give people out of home the privilege to connect with things from home and have the opportunity to discuss issues from home with one another.

Now creating a blog or a website does not automatically mean people will start stumbling on your blog or website and get interested in what you have to say.

You have to get what is known as website or blog traffic.

If you get people to fall on your blog or website that is telling them about something everyone misses (home) they will spread it to the world for you.

To promote your blog or website, you can use paid methods like facebook ads or adwords run and owned by google.

With facebook ads, it is better if you create a page and then promote that page since you will have loyal fans that will like and share your content rather than some passer by buyers.

With google adwards, you will have to focus on keywords.

You will have to study what people will normally type on search engines like google when they are home sick just to get something from home.

Sometimes they might just want a picture of a home city or a favourite local rocky game.

There are also free methods of promoting a blog or a website.

I will try to list each and everyone I know below and tell you how to use them.

SEO: This is known as search engine optimisation.

This is what is required of you, keywords and backlinks.

Search engines like google rank your sites according to the number of backlinks it gets.

How do I get backlinks?

Let us talk about how to get backlinks, you get backlinks from social shares known as social signals like google+ facebook, twitter, stumble upon, reddit, digg, delicious and many other social and bookmarking websites.

You get backlinks from other websites through their comment section.

Now when commenting, do not target the backlink, but go in for the audience, that is why it is advisable to comment on blogs and websites with a large audience.

By so doing you can get the attention of the already loyal audience of that particular blog or website and then a backlink.

You can also get a backlink from forums.

Now do not go about spamming forums just to get a backlink when you can participate in the forum and get some real time visitors back to your website or blog.

A forum is a place on the internet where people come and ask questions and share similar interest.

You can join these sites and answer the questions of people seeking information from home or share your idea about what you are about to do for home sake.

With keywords, you will have to think or use google keyword planner to come up with word phrases people will normally type on search engines if they are interested about what you have to say about home.

Article Marketing: Here you will have to come up with article ideas about what you have to say about home.

Just write about what you think people outside home will love to hear and learn about home, then you can submit it to article directories like ezinearticles and articlebase.

You can do a google search if you need more article directories.

Video submission: Ever wonder about the walking and talking or the sitting and talking videos you find on youtube, they are not magic, they are made for advertising and they are done by regular and normal people like you and me.

You can sit at the comfort of your bedroom and make some videos talking about home, or you can move in a nearby city making a video talking like you regularly see in a news flash.

Then upload those videos to video sites.

I have already named the most popular video site for you (youtube).

Do a google search to get more video sites to upload your videos. Make sure the videos are short though, at most 4 minutes.

Social Media Marketing: If you are very attentive, then you must have already got this one from what you have been reading above.

When I was talking about social signals through facebook shares and twitter tweets and retweets.

Now let's say you have done all that heard work and maybe even spend some few bucks.

How do you get paid for your heard work or how do you get your dollars back?

Let us get into this slowly, you heard me talking about a woman making 50,000 thousand dollars online, there are people making 6 figures salaries online, that's right, that is not an April fool joke.

You can choose a local food receipt.

Come out with the full details on how to cook this food from start to finish, even add details about how this food is eaten, for example with the hands like it is commonly done in Africa or with spoons, knives and forks, like the Europeans do, then come out with an e-book.

An e-book is basically a PDF document.

So your methods on how to prepare a favourite home dish is found in a PDF file.

There are sites that will allow you promote this product for a little fee. Like clickbank.

In clickbank and many other sites, you will have the additional advantage to get affiliates, i.e. boys and girls that will help you promote this product.

You will be promoting this product on your website or blog and then get others involve in promoting this product for you.

Clickbank gives your affiliates what is known as commission.

They will be promoting your product on a 50%, 60% or 75% commission.

All these transactions is taken care of by clickbank.

All you get is your money.

Still not satisfied?

Want me to come up with more niche ideas for you?

What is the favourite local game of that country or city?

What is the favourite women's club of that country?

What is the favourite men's club of that country?

You can even go into Museums and come out with historical items.

In must museums, you are not allowed to take pictures, but they are often filled with historical items and news which you can collect and do a google search to get more information and even photos.

Organise this in a PDF file then submit it to clickbank and see the magic happen.

There are also sites that will allow you upload files for free.

These files are downloaded free by others.

You can submit a shorter version of what you are selling on these sites in a PDF file format and an affiliate link leading back to the original document.

Who knows the number of downloads it will get.

Still not satisfied of the number of home niche ideas?

What is the political and religious status of that particular country or city?

What has changed within the years?

Come out with a collection of the presidents, in the case of a country, this is bad for those in Africa, since we have one President rolling the country till ''it'' dies.

Come out with governors, officials in that country region, or city.

People out of home are very interested in topics like this.

They might even find a relative of theirs who have become a governor, and they will pay you back by spreading the news to the world and maybe come back home.

Let us call this concept of niche ideas ''thinking inside the box''.

Do not thing about space or how man can get into the sun, when people are interested to know about a favourite local football player.

Come out with local news about a country, region, or city, tell people about it and you will be shocked how many people will be willing to buy what you have to sell...

That is the end of my story

In this 1st series of the complete 2015 niche ideas for beginners, it's how it sounds, it is for blogger beginners.

The second series will be for the pros.

Any questions or comments then leave a comment bellow. Or email me @

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

22 Sayings To Keep You living

1. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
2. “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
3. “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”
4. “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”
5. “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”
6. “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”
7. “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”
8. “The wise man does not expose himself needlessly to danger, since there are few things for which he cares sufficiently; but he is willing, in great crises, to give even his life – knowing that under certain conditions it is not worthwhile to live.”
9. “There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.”
10. “The young are permanently in a state resembling intoxication.”
11. “We become just by performing just action, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave action.”
12. “The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.”
13. “Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach.”
14. “To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill.”
15. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
16. “We must no more ask whether the soul and body are one than ask whether the wax and the figure impressed on it are one.”
17. “We praise a man who feels angry on the right grounds and against the right persons and also in the right manner at the right moment and for the right length of time.”
18. “You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”
19. “Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.”
20. “What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.”
21. “Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.”
22. “Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.”

Know Your Body (18 Amazing Facts)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

101 Most Important Hidden Websites

  1. – for capturing screenshots of web pages on mobile and desktops.
  2. – online voice recognition in the browser itself.
  3. – find full-length movies on YouTube.
  4. – record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube.
  5. – shorten long URLs and convert URLs into QR codes.
  6. unfurlr.come – find the original URL that’s hiding behind a short URL.
  7. qClock – find the local time of a city using a Google Map.
  8. – copy special characters that aren’t on your keyboard.
  9. – a better search engine for twitter.
  10. – create flowcharts, network diagrams, sitemaps, etc.
  11. – the best place to find icons of all sizes.
  12. – download templates, clipart and images for your Office documents.
  13. – the easiest way to setup email reminders.
  14. – scan any suspicious file or email attachment for viruses.
  15. – gets answers directly without searching   – see more wolfram tips.
  16. – print web pages without the clutter.
  17. – reformats news articles and blog content as a newspaper.
  18. – a search engine for RSS feeds.
  19. – a simple online timer for your daily needs.
  20. – if a site is down due to heavy traffic, try accessing it through coral CDN.
  21. – pick random numbers, flip coins, and more.
  22. – lets you can quickly edit PDFs in the browser itself.
  23. – simultaneously upload videos to YouTube and other video sites.
  24. – share you email address online without worrying about spam.
  25. – now get read receipts for your email.
  26. – visualize and compare the size of any product.
  27. – quickly determine the font name from an image.
  28. – a good collection of open source fonts.
  29. – find data hidden in your photographs – see more EXIF tools.
  30. – broadcast events live over the web, including your desktop screen.
  31. – helps you search domains across all TLDs.
  32. – design from scratch or re-model your home in 3d.
  33. – share you screen with anyone over the web.
  34. – recognize text from scanned PDFs – see other OCR tools.
  35. – Track flight status at airports worldwide.
  36. – for sharing really big files online.
  37. – the site lets you download free Kindle books.
  38. – check your writing for spelling or grammatical errors.
  39. – easily highlight the important parts of a web page for sharing.
  40. – work on the same document with multiple people.
  41. – planning an event? find a date that works for all.
  42. – a less confusing view of the world time zones.
  43. – the perfect tool for measuring your site performance online.
  44. – print music sheets, write your own music online (review).
  45. – chat with your buddies on Skype, Facebook, Google Talk, etc. from one place.
  46. – translate web pages, PDFs and Office documents.
  47. – create paintings and sketches with a wide variety of brushes.
  48. – discover new sites that are similar to what you like already.
  49. – quick summarize long pieces of text with tag clouds.
  50. – create mind-maps, brainstorm ideas in the browser.
  51. – get color ideas, also extract colors from photographs.
  52. – share your photos in an album instantly.
  53. – when your friends are too lazy to use Google on their own.
  54. – when you need to find the name of a song.
  55. – automatically find perfectly-sized wallpapers for mobiles.
  56. – send an online fax for free – see more fax services.
  57. – get RSS feeds as an email newsletter.
  58. – qiuckly send a file to someone, they can even preview it before downloading.
  59. – transfer files of any size without uploading to a third-party server.
  60. – setup a private chat room in micro-seconds.
  61. – create text notes that will self-destruct after being read.
  62. – track the status of any shipment on Google Maps – alternative.
  63. – when you need to raise funds online for an event or a cause.
  64. – find if your favorite website is offline or not?
  65. – find the other websites of a person with reverse Analytics lookup.
  66. – find the web host of any website.
  67. – found something on Google but can’t remember it now?
  68. – an online audio editor that lets record, and remix audio clips online.
  69. – create a temporary web page that self-destruct.
  70. – find definitions of slangs and informal words.
  71. – consult this site before choosing a seat for your next flight.
  72. – download stock images absolutely free.
  73. – view very high-resolution images in your browser without scrolling.
  74. – create custom Google Maps easily.
  75. – quickly setup email reminders for important events.
  76. – Picnik is offline but PicMonkey is an even better image editor.
  77. – you can ask or answer personal questions here.
  78. – an excellent layer-based online image editor.
  79. – find if that email offer you received is real or just another scam.
  80. – master touch-typing with these practice sessions.
  81. – send video emails to anyone using your web cam.
  82. – create timelines with audio, video and images.
  83. – make a movie out of your images, audio and video clips.
  84. – check the trust level of any website.
  85. – a beautiful to-do app that looks like your paper dairy.
  86. – you’ll need this when your bookmarked web pages are deleted.
  87. – quickly capture effective notes during meetings.
  88. – Watch YouTube channels in TV mode.
  89. – quickly create a video playlist of your favorite artist.
  90. – Send tweets longer than 140 characters.
  91. – create a free and simple website using your Dropbox account.
  92. – find the technology stack of any website.
  93. – research a website from the SEO perspective.
  94. – broadcast live audio over the web.
  95. – bookmark online videos and watch them later (review).
  96. – add QR codes to your documents and presentations (review).
  97. – the easiest way to write short text notes in the browser.
  98. – send rich-text mails to anyone, anonymously.
  99. – hire people to do little things for $5.
  100. – easily manage your online files on Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.
  101. – create a connection between all your online accounts.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Complete Beginner's Guide To Optimize Your Blog For Other Search Engines

Seo (search engine optimization) is a very huge industry on the internet.

Infact it is a multi million dollar industry.

Now the reason for this article ''the complete beginner's guide to optimize your blog for other search engines,''

Didn't just came from a days thought it came from a 4 years experience.

Heard over to google, type the keyword ''seo''

You will fine individuals known as seo experts, companies promising you heaven.

Try to buy say 3 of these products from a seo expert or a company.

I'm not saying you should buy.

That's if you are Thomas.

You will fine out that all of them are telling you the same thing.

Try to do all what they are telling you.

You might end up with just a daily total visit of 20.

This is not even close to making money online.

There are free content that will provide you with more relevant information that delivers results than these paid methods.

Head over to backlinko

Brian Dean, this guy knows what he is saying and most of his content are free.

He does have a course though ''known as seo that works''

You can enrol.

But first try to read his free content.

And maybe this gets you where you want to be online.

Blogging have been gruadually taken seriously by many.

After hearing people are making a 6 figure blogging at the comfort of their homes writing what they love.

Million of people have jump into the blogging field.


You can make 6 figure doing what you love.


- It take some hard work.

- Time

- Allot of patience

When you fall on a blog that the owner is proud of making 6 figure, then don't get excited immediately.

Ask them their success story.

Some if not all will love to tell you what they have gone through.

You will fine out that

- most of them have been blogging for a very long time

- have created and deleted blogs without number

- made many fatal mistakes.

Then due to persistence and stick ability, one day boom they got traffic.

Now that we have a story rolling, lets get back to business.

Today we will be talking about ''the complete beginner's guide to optimize your blog for other search engines.''


If you don't know facebook is the king of social media.

This site have million if not billion of people fidgeting around posting photos, news, videos, chatting with friends, family, colleques, managing business and even buying and selling products.

It is but normal that it is getting billion of search each day.

Make sure you complete your profile, with a description and a real photo of you.

This will create trust.

When posting

- make sure you insert keywords in the post.

-  use harshtags (#howtomakepeoplevisitmynewblog)

That's how it looks like.


Don't pack the whole post with keywords as this will make it uninterested.

You want the post to get likes and shares when people fine it.


Twitter is the second largest and popular social media sites.

People hag around here tweeting, checking tweets from their favorite stars, news tweets.

Just like facebook,

- insert keywords in your tweets.

- Keep it interesting

- Use harshtags

Here you want to get people to retweet and favorite your content.


Tweet a blog post, picture, video, news feed more than once to get maximum response.


Reddit is the largest news site on the internet.

People spend time here reading news feed.

You can get search results here as while as fine unique keywords and article ideas.


It is the second largest search engine.

After inserting tags to your video, add some keyword in the description section.


To get more views, make sure you keep the video short (at most 4 minutes.)


Dominated by women.

Known for its addictive nature.

Women are known to be highly addictive.

People spend time here

- pinning

- repining

- liking photos known as pins.

Most common pins are foodstuffs, fashion...

Just try to think what a social media platform with a huge female audience will have and then you get the picture.

People also use it search bar often.

Google has the potential of bringing huge organic traffic to your newly created blog as while as these other social media sites.

With google,

- you need to do more work

- create backlinks

- do keyword research.

- high competition.

Try these other method and maybe you get lucky and one of your tweet, youtube video, facebook status update, reddit post, pin goes viral.

This will generate you allot of traffic.