Monday, October 15, 2012

You’re The Effulgence of God’s Glory!

And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one (John 17:22).

Romans 8:30 says, “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” As God’s children, we’re the carriers of His glory. In Exodus 33:18, Moses begged to see the glory of God. But today, in the New Testament, not only does the glory reside in us, we have become the effulgence of God’s glory. God’s purpose isn’t just to have His glory reside in you, but for you to be immersed and completely inundated by it until you become inseparable from the glory, thus becoming the glory.

This is the reason the new creation, in the New Testament, is called the glory of God. Just as the Lord Jesus is the glory of God you too are the effulgence of the Father’s glory. So when you walk, it’s the glory of God walking, for your life is the expression of the glory of God. You need to understand that you’re not journeying to become the glory of God; it’s already a present-hour reality. You were born to be the glory of God and to radiate God’s beauty in an ever increasing fashion. Wake up to this truth, and it will change your mentality!

To continuously manifest increased glory this month, say concerning yourself daily, “I am the glory of God; I don’t fail! I’m a success forever, praise God!” It makes no difference the challenges you might be facing, the glory of God is going to be manifested in that situation! Why? Because you’re involved in it, and you’re the glory of God, therefore you’re being manifested. Romans 8:19 says “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” The whole creation is waiting for your showing up; it’s not the showing up of the weak and low-minded, but the showing up of the glory of God, the Sons of God.  Live confidently today with this consciousness that you’re the manifestation of the glory of God, the brightness of God’s beauty in the earth and experience that glory in your life’s circumstances! Praise the Lord!

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