| Grand Theft Auto 4 Cheats And codes.Here you will find the full cheats and codes for Grand Theft Auto 4   Quickly access phone number cheats: To quickly redial a cheat, at the bottom of your phone menu select "Cheats" to display all the cheats you have previously dialed in. You will not have to wait for the call to go through.
Phone number cheats: Press up to access your cell phone and press up again to access the keypad. Unlock the following cheats by dialing the corresponding numbers:
CHEAT FUNCTION - PHONE NUMBER Climate Change - HOT-555-0100 Full Armor & Health - 362-555-0100 Full Armor/Health/Ammo & Fix Damaged Car - 482-555-0100 Identify Songs on the Radio - 948-555-0100 Raise Wanted Level - 267-555-0150 Remove Wanted Level - 267-555-0100 Spawn Annihiliator Police Helicopter - 359-555-0100 Spawn Burrito - 2826-555-0150 Spawn Cognoscenti - 227-555-0142 Spawn Comet - 227-555-0175 Spawn Double T - 245-555-0125 Spawn FBI buffalo - 227-555-0100 Spawn Hakuchou - 245-555-0199 Spawn Hexer - 245-555-0150 Spawn Innovation - 245-555-0100 Spawn Jetmax - 938-555-0100 Spawn NRG-900 - 625-555-0100 Spawn Police Chopper - FLY-555-0100 Spawn Sanchez - 625-555-0150 Spawn Slamvan - 826-555-0100 Spawn Turismo - 227-555-0147 Spawn SuperGT - 227-555-0168 Weapon Package #1 - 486-555-0150 Weapon Package - 486-555-0100
Gang Wars unlockables: Unlock the following weapons by completing the corresponding number of Gang Wars:
WEAPON - GANG WARS Assault shotgun in safehouse - Complete 40 gang wars. Automatic pistol in safehouse - Complete 20 gang wars. Carbine Rifle in safehouse - Complete 30 gang wars. Grenade launcher in safehouse - Complete 50 gang wars. Sawed-off shotgun in safehouse - Complete 10 gang wars.
Hokachu bike from Clay: Unlock the following bikes by performing the corresponding tasks:
BIKE - HOW TO UNLOCK Bati 800 - Complete all of angus's bike theft missions. Hokachu - Beat 12 races in single player mode. Innovation - Kill all 50 seagulls.
Unlockable Vehicles: Unlock the following vehicles by performing the corresponding tasks:
VEHICLE - HOW TO UNLOCK Annihilator Helicopter - Kill all 200 pigeons. Rastah Color Huntley SUV - Complete 10 package delivery missions.
Friendship bonuses:
FRIEND / FRIENDSHIP LEVEL - BONUS Alex at 80% - Gives you a discount at clothing stores for 24 hours. Brucie at 90% - Flys his helicopter to you. Carmen at 75% - Replenishes your health. Dwayne at 60% - Ships you a car full of gangsters who will protect you. Kiki at 75% - Clears your wanted level (when out of missions and under two stars). Little Jacob at 60% - Ships you a car full of guns which you can purchase. Packie at 75% - Makes you a car bomb. Roman at 60% - Sends a taxi for you to drive throughout Liberty City. Stevie - Complete all 30 of his vehicle thefts. The South Bohan garage will then give you more money for each vehicle that you deliver.
Resurrect dead cars: To resurrect dead cars, dial 911 on your cell phone and hang up when they pick up.
Happy statue easter egg: Navigate to the statue of happiness on happiness island by way of helicopter. Have the helicopter set you down on the very top of the statue. You'll see a sign up there that says "No Hidden Content Beyond This Point". If you head inside of the statue from this point, you'll see an actual beating heart inside the statue.
Fire truck water cannon: Steal a fire truck, and push the fire button while driving. This will fire the super-powerful water cannon.
Crank calls: Dial the phone numbers written in odd places, such as on the side of a building. You can crank call someone on the other end.
GTA3 outfit: When you have to decide whether to kill Dwayne or Playboy X, kill Playboy X. You will be able to use his loft and change clothes there.
Reveal item locations at internet cafe: To reveal map locations of all weapons, health, armor, vehicles, pigeons, ramp/stunt, and entertainment, log onto a computer at TW@ Internet Cafe and go to www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com.
Free taxi ride: Just before you reach your destination hold L1 to smash the window and scare the taxi driver away. You must have a gun equipped in order to do this.
Change police siren sound: While driving in a LCPD cruiser press the left-analog stick.
Erase wanted level: Do any one of the following to erase your wanted level:
1. Enter any mission marker(not date markers). 2. While in a police vehicle, activate any of the vigilante or most wanted missions. 3. Call a friend from outside of the radar zone.
Gun shop hint: After killing the owner of the gunshop you can shop there again if you change clothes.
Lower wanted level: To lower your wanted level, start a mission or enter a safehouse and save the game.
Tug boat: There is a tug boat located between Alderny and the industrial island in front of two barges. You will need another boat to get to it. Once near it, jump on it and hit the enter vehicle button. You can just cruise from there.
Armored truck money: To get the money inside an armored truck, steal it and blow it up.
Blowout tires: To perform a burnout, hold L+R while for a little while. The back tires will blowout one after another.
Police car hints: While inside a police car press L1 to have the data bank display wanted people. You can search names and call three police cars for backup.
Free shotgun: Steal a police car to pick up a tactical shotgun with 5 bullets.
Websites: Enter any one of the following urls using the in game computer:
limevenus.blogsnobs.org mail.eyefind.info pychakilla.blogsnobs.org www.americantravelguide.net www.antfarmcam.net www.area53site.com www.artthrob.org www.a-thousand-words.net www.autoeroticar.com www.babiesovernight.com www.beanmachinecoffee.com www.bigdog.blogsnobs.org www.blogsnobs.org www.bruciesexecutivelifestyleautos.com www.bulimialovers.com www.burgershot.net www.chiropracticovernight.com www.craplist.net www.darksoullock.blogsnobs.org www.designerslave.com www.domestobotlovers.com www.dragonbrainthemovie.com www.easterislandcoverup.com www.eatbiglogs.com www.eddielowfilthslayer.blogsnobs.org www.elchamucoroboto.com www.electrictit.com www.electronicwritingtablet.com www.erisfootware.com www.eugenicsincorporated.com www.eunux.net www.eyefind.info www.fantasyleaguebatswingers.com www.fefighter2008.blogsnobs.org www.fistfans.com www.flyhighpizzapie.com www.freejames.org www.friendswithoutfaces.net www.fruitcomputers.com www.gloryholethemepark.com www.goldberglignerandshyster.com www.golfloversonline.net www.grype.org www.hand-jobs-online.com www.happyfarmersupplies.com www.heritagenothate.org www.homecremation.com www.homeworkfriend.org www.hornyhighschoolreunions.com www.huganimals.com www.ilovetoblow.org www.inyapuper.blogsnobs.org www.krapea.com www.leftover-vacations.com www.liberatedwoman.blogsnobs.org www.libertycitypolice.com www.libertycityrealestate.net www.libertytreeonline.com www.liesdamnlies.net www.lipurgex.com www.littlelacysurprisepageant.com www.lootandwank.com www.love-meet.net www.loveyourmeat.com www.modderstotallyrule.com www.money2makemoney.com www.myonlineme.com www.myroomonline.net www.onlineradiorevolution.com www.our-own-reality.com www.outdatedtastes.com www.outsourceforamerica.com www.peepthatshit.com www.pinktorpedo.org www.piswasser.com www.pointclickshipabitch.com www.poker-in-the-rear.com www.publiclibertyonline.com www.redwoodcigarettes.com www.roidsforlittleboys.com www.rustybrownsringdonuts.com www.shitster.de www.sprunksoda.com www.stopshavingnow.net www.thebankofliberty.com www.tobaccofacts.net www.vipluxuryringtones.com www.weazelnews.com www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com www.whymommygotfat.com www.yourmexicandoctor.com www.yournewbabysname.com
Statue of Libery t-shirt: On the 2nd level, walk through the door of the statue of liberty. When you walk out you will have a t-shirt with the statue of liberty on it.
Instantly stop while driving: To instantly stop while driving, press up on the d-pad to access your cellphone and scroll down to select the camera.
Unlimited ammo: To unlock unlimited ammo, get 100% game completion.
100% game completion: Complete all of the following to get 100% completion:
GAME COMPLETION PERCENTAGE - HOW TO EARN 68% - Complete all 90 story and procedural missions. 10% - Get all friends special abilities and complete all of their activities(excluding dwayne and roman). 5% - Beat friends or computers at every activity. 5% - Find all random characters and complete their missions. 2.5% - Collect all 200 pigeons. 2.5% - Complete all 20 vigilante crimes. 2.5% - Complete all 50 stunt jumps. 2.5% - Kill all 30 people on the list. 2% - Complete all 30 vehicle thefts.
Replenish health: To refill your health, eat food at a Cluckin' Bell, hot dog stand etc.
Purchase all ringtones and themes for $100: After getting the phone from Playboy X, go to the nearest Internet cafe. Go to the ringtones site and buy all of the ringtones and themes. They will only cost $100.
Save more cars: You can store cars in spaces that have a "Residents Parking Only" sign even if you do not have a safe house.
Stay on top of a moving truck: To stay on top of a moving truck, repeatedly tap the jump button while on top of it.
Fast taxi: To skip through a taxi ride and travel across the entire city in less than 10 seconds, call the taxi instead of hailing it.
Phone numbers: Dial any of the following numbers on your cell phone to reach the corresponding businesses or people:
BUSINESS - PHONE NUMBER Bean Machine Coffee - 555-0110 Blackmailer from "Call And Collect" mission - 843-555-0124 Drug dealer from "Lure" mission - 545-555-1022 Emergency Services - 911 Express Car Service - 555-2222 Express Car Service - 555-3333 Fire Proof Doors - 555-5700 Hero Shop - 555-8575 LCPD Recruitment - 555-RECRUIT Liberty Construction - 555-1274-73 No Problemo Bail Bonds - 555-945-733-92 Roman Bellic - 718-926-7215 Storage - 555-221-3877 Superb Deli - 555-4674 The Serrated Edge - 1-800-555-5555 Used Auto Parts - 555-7300 Vinewood Laundromat - 555-5123 ZiT - 948-555-0100
Mid-air cars: While flying in a helicopter, dial the phone number cheat to spawn a car in mid-air.
Random character missions: -There are 22 total random character missions. All except Clarence, Cherise, Ivan and Jeff count towards 100% completion. The following random characters will appear after the corresponding missions are completed:
CHARACTER - MISSION Brian - It's Your Call Badman - Shadow Clarence - Blood Brothers Cherise - The Holland Play Eddie Low - Actions Speak Louder Than Words Gracie - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend Hossan - The Puerto Rican Connection Ilyena - The Puerto Rican Connection Ivan - Actions Speak Louder Than Words Jeff - Photo X Marnie - Actions Speak Louder Than Words Mel - Escuela Of The Streets Pathos - The Puerto Rican Connection Sara - The Puerto Rican Connection
-The following characters can be picked up at the corresponding locations. If a character has multiple missions, you must wait 1-2 days before picking them up again:
CHARACTER - LOCATION Brian 1 - Next to Roman's cab business. Brian 2 - Near comrades bar(vlad's bar) and your schottler safehouse. Brian 3 - Downtown, on a street corner. Badman - Sitting on a bench in front of the pill pharm pharmacy in east island city. Clarence - You'll run into him on the streets of east holland. Cherise - At the clukin' bell in northwood algonquin. Eddie Low 1 - He's at the mouth of an alley in alderney city. Eddie Low 2 - You meet him in berchem. Gracie - You'll find her standing outside her home in acter. Hossan - On a street corner in algonquin selling handbags. Ilyena Fausin: On the boardwalk in schottler. Usually when you're on your way to the bowling alley. Ivan: He's on a corner in acter, alderney. Jeff 1 - On a corner in east holland. Jeff 2 - He will call you. Jeff 3 - He's sitting on a sidewalk bench in suffolk, across from ray's restaurant. Mel-He - On the sidewalk just up the street from the original safehouse in schottler. Marnie 1 - She's strung out on a park bench in alderney city. She's facing the big fountain. Marnie 2 - Shes's inn varsity heights leaning up against a building on a corner. Pathos 1 - On the main drag in star junction. Pathos 2 - On the main strip in star junction. Sara 1 - In suffolk after hossan's encounter. Sara 2 - Pier 45 in fishmarket south.
Get all your friend's special abilities and do all their activities to get 10% completion.
Free internet: In some of the safehouses, you can use the reception computers located behind the desk for free. The receptionist behind the desk will not call the cops or charge you.
Damage-proof vehicles: When you take a girlfriend out on a date, shoot through your car window to do a drive-by. Your date will leave and your vehicle will be immune to damage.
Control music volume in strip clubs: To control the music volume in strip clubs, use the radio station volume control in the options menu .
Run faster: To run faster, have the lightest weapon possible equipped.
Avoid toll booths: To avoid paying the toll, while your car is approaching the toll booth jump out at the last second and your car will crash through. You will not get a wanted star.
The heart of Liberty City easter egg: In Happiness island, steal a helicopter from the helicopter tours. Fly it over the Statue of Liberty and jump out of it at the statue's feet. You should land on a square platform with doors at the center of each side. One of the doors has a plaque on both sides of it that reads, "No Hidden Content Here." The door does not open but you can walk through it. Climb the ladder inside it and when you reach the top look up. There is a gigantic beating heart held in place by chains.
Vehicle locations: Find the following vehicles in the corresponding locations:
VEHICLE - LOCATION Admiral - In Meadows Park, Dukes. Air Tug - At Francis International Airport. Ambulance - Parked outside of any hospital. Banshee - Galveston Ave. near Middle Park. Bobcat - Top of the Francis International Airport's parking lot. Brute - Near banks. Buccaneer - Near the Industrial District. Bus - Star Junction or at the bus station near the Helitours site. Cavalcade - The same street Westdyke Memorial Hospital is on. Comet - In between the Burger Shot and the Swingers Golf Club. Contender - Near the Twichin's Sugar Factory. Coquette - Outside the church. DF8-90 - Near the amusement park's parking lot. Dilettante - Near the Canyon Magaplex in Willis, Dukes. Dinghy - Several can be found around the coast of Acter Industrial Park. Enforcer - Get a four to six star wanted level and it will find you. Faggio - Near the Dragon Heart Plaza on Diman Street in Chinatown. Flatbed - Near industrial areas. Fork Lift - On the street to the left of the bridge under construction. Freeway - In front of the Willis Wash and Lube. Helitours Maverick - At the Helitours company in Fishmarket South. Hakumai - Steinway, Dukes. Huntley Sport - Near the LCPD station in Northern Gardens. Infernus - In Outlook Park by the Pizza Salad restaurant. Intruder - Near the Liberty City Transport Authority in Rotterdam Hill in Broker. Lokus - East Island City neighborhood in Dukes. Manana - Near the Burger Shot on Huntington Street. Maverick - Top area of the residential district on the third main island. Moonbea - Charge Island near the water treatment plant. NRG 900 - The corner of Bismark Ave and Topaz in Lancaster. Patriot - By the Castle Gardens. Phantom - Outside the first floor of the GL&S lawyers office building. PMP 600 - The alley by the Exchange District Bank in Algonquin. Police Cruiser - Appears randomly when your wanted level is at least four stars. Police Maverick - On top of the police station in Algonquin. Presidente - At Castle Gardens. Rancher - By the docks in Port Tudor. Rebla - Fanny Crab's near Grand Easton Station. Reefer - Around the coast of Acter Industrial Park. Ripley - At Francis International Airport. Roman's Taxi - Unlocked when Roman's Respect stat reaches 100%. Schafter - East Hook in Broker. Securicar - At the Boabo neighborhood, look at the map for the roads that form the letter "P". Park by the "RON" gas station and wait for it to spawn. Sentinel - Near the docks in Normandy. Sultan - The driveway of a green house in Berchem. Sultan RS - Sitting in the northeastern-most part of the final island. It is in some bushes behind a small shack up a dirt road. Super GT - On Calcium Street in front of the 69. Trashmaster - In the depot under the west end of Broker Bridge, east of the fire station. Tropic - Along the north coast of Acter Industrial Park. Tug boat - Get in a boat, and search along the water between Alderny and Industrial Island to find a tug boat parked in front of two barges. Turismo - Parked outside a home in Owl Creek Avenue in Westdyke, or next to Faustin's house on Shinnecock Ave. in Beachgate, Broker. Vincent - In Schottler. Voodoo - In East Island City. Washington - By the pool in Steinway, Dukes. Zombie motorcycle - Drive around by the Pay 'n' Spray near Port Tudor in Alderney.
Dating hint: It is possible to date people from the in-game Internet. When looking at their profile, click "Date". You then have to wait a few in-game days for a negative or positive reply via email. If your date accepts, reply to their email to meet them.
Police database hints: -Use a computer at a TW@ Internet Cafe to access the Liberty City Police Department site at "www.libertycitypolice.com". Click the "Database" tab at the bottom of the home page to get information on every character, including Roman and Niko.
-Go to the Liberty Tree website's main page and click the link to the LCPD website. There are a few interesting things, like the Threat Level, but aside from that it appears bare. However, when you go to the bottom and look at the copyright information, the word "Database" is a small hidden link that leads to a large profile list of criminals. Of special importance are Lola Del Rio, the hooker featured on the box art, Eddie Low (the No-Name Killer), and Niko Bellic, among others.
Be wanted as a pedophile: Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe and visit "www.littlelacysurprisepageant.com" to instantly get a five star wanted level as a pedophile.
USB keyboard hint: Insert a USB keyboard to type URLs and make the in-game Internet and police database much easier to use.
Call for backup in a police car: Steal a police car and whenever you are in trouble, press LB while your car is stationary. Choose "Call For Backup" and within minutes you will have two cruisers full of police who will fight on your side, unless you shoot someone. Note: They will turn on you when they realize you are not a cop.
Stopping police sirens: Shoot out a police car's lights with a gun to cause their siren to malfunction.
Bumping into an officer: When you see a cop on the sidewalk while out in the city, you can push past him like any other pedestrian while walking. However, if you keep pushing and pestering a cop, even if you do not have a weapon or throw a punch, he will try to arrest you.
Getting away from the police hint: While running away from the cops, you will have a circular area in which they look for you. However, if you get out and another cop sees you, it will change. To use this to your advantage, get barely out of that circle which you will see on your radar, then just sit there for about five seconds instead of flooring past it.
Instant six-star wanted level hint: Before unlocking all locations (especially the part of Liberty City where Alderney City is located) go to any bridge leading to a locked place to find a roadblock and police guarding the bridge. Run through or use a vehicle/helicopter to get past them to immediately earn a six star wanted level. Note: The police and police helicopters will start shooting you. To get rid of the cops, go back to an unlocked location and enable the "Remove Niko's wanted level" code. Note: If you are going to the prison but it is still locked, land your helicopter carefully in the basketball courts.
Getting rid of wanted levels: Use any of the following techniques to get rid of your wanted level:
-Just enter a safehouse and save your progress. When you wake u,p your wanted level will be gone. -Enter a marker for any mission. -Enter a police vehicle, then quickly activate a vigilante or most wanted mission. -Get outside of the active radar zone and call a friend. If you reach someone and not their voicemail, you will get rid of your wanted level as the police are closing in.
Get tossed by a friend: Invite a friend to hang out with you and gently nudge him with your car, just enough to knock him over but not enough to hurt him. After a few times, he will open the car door and throw you out.
Friend in hospital hint: If a friend gets run over by an NPC on the way to see you, you will only get his voice mail. A few in-game days later he will call to ask if you can pick him up from the hospital.
Easy strikes in Bowling: Choose the first lane (all the way to the left) and take two full steps to the left. Hold Right Analog-stick Down for about a half second, then press Right Analog-stick Up. Note: Do not add any aftertouch to the throw.
Lap dance duet in Strip club: Reserve a lap dance at the strip club. After the performance is done and she asks if you want another, accept twice to have her bring in another girl into the room for a duet.
Prank phone calls hint: When you see phone numbers on graffiti or ads on buildings on in the subway, call those numbers on Niko's cellphone to make a prank phone call.
-Dial 911 on your phone to reach the Liberty City Emergency Services voice menu. You can then request that the police, paramedics, or fire department to your location. They will arrive, look around for the emergency, realize that it is a prank, and drive away.
Current music information hint: To receive a text message listing the title and artist of the music currently playing, dial ZIT-555-0100 on your cellphone.
Avoid calls: If you want to avoid being interrupted during a mission by a friend, or want to explore the city and do not want to get a call for another mission, bring up your cellphone menu and enter the "Options" menu. Turn "Sleep Mode" on to roam around the city at will.
Headshot hint: It is pretty hard to get headshots, which do count in this game. With some practice, the following is an easy way to always get them. Press [Auto-Aim] and use the Right Analog-stick to move the auto-aim target around your victim's body. Then, barely move the Right Analog-stick as you are shooting to put bullets in the chest and head, resulting in an easy instant kill.
Drive-by shootings hint: Call Roman and have him send a taxi to you. Let the taxi drive you around to shoot at people without the driver stopping. He will also do a great job of running past the cops and blockades. When you get stuck, select to end your ride at a destination without a wanted level.
Blind firing enemies hint: To take out blind firing enemies, aim for their shooting arm or hand while it is exposed. Wound him, and he will usually stumble out of cover, giving you a shot.
Shoot after you're dead: Sometimes after your character dies, you can cause your currently equipped weapon to fire off during the death animation . Where it shoots is completely random, and depends on the direction the gun is pointing as you fall. This effect is most notable if you have a rocket launcher or assault rifle equipped. Yo also have a greater chance of it happening if your death animation lasts longer (such as from being blown up and flying through the air due to a grenade or other explosive). While you do not get any benefits from this happening, it is pretty satisfying to kill your attacker after you die. Note: This also works the other way. Sometimes NPCs will shoot you after Niko kills them. It is pretty rare, but it can happen.
How to perform an evasive roll: Lock onto anything (whether it be in free-aim or auto-aim) and press SQUARE while moving the Left Analog-stick Left or Right. If done correctly, Niko will perform an evasive judo roll to his side.
One hit knockout hint: To get a one-hit knockout, get a bat, go up to any person, lock onto them, and press Y.
Disarming people: With a knife or bat equipped, run up to any person shooting or pointing at you with a gun while B.
Blowing up a hot dog stand: Every hot dog cart has a tank of propane sitting on one side of them. If you shoot the tank or drive a vehicle into it, the tank will explode while the cart will remain intact.
How to destroy cars faster: If you need to blow up a car but do not have any explosive weapons, simply use any other weapon to cause a car to catch on fire and soon explode. Aim at the rear wheel well of the vehicle and put in a few rounds to ignite the car and cause an explosion. Note: This does not work on all vehicles (trucks, vans, boats, helicopters).
Civilian warfare and assistance hint: Go to a car when a man is in it (this will not work with a woman) while making sure that there are other pedestrians around you on the sidewalks. Push or punch the car around the front, then let the man exit and beat you up a little bit. Some of the male pedestrians will then rush to help you while punching or pulling out knives on your attacker. Sometimes, if an officer is around, he will arrest the attacker.
Locking cinematic view: Note: This is only possible with the fixed camera views attached to a vehicle. Change the view to the desired cinematic view, then click the Right Analog-stick and move it Down while still clicked. Release the Right Analog-stick while in the Down + Click position. The view will not change while you remain in cinematic view and remain locked when you return to it (unless you exit your vehicle or the camera becomes blocked).
Slow motion game play hint: Change the point of view during game play to the cinematic camera and slow down time by using the horn. To choose the angles of the camera, tilt the Right Analog-stick Left or Right to cycle through them.
Robbery targets hint: It is possible to rob certain shops such as TW@ or the laundromat from the "Hung Out To Dry" mission.
Getingt taxi drivers arrested: Go up to any taxi and hit their car to make them get out and chase you down. Find a cop and let the cab driver hit you. The cop will then arrest the cab driver and force him into the back of a nearby police car.
Getting hotdog vendors shot by the police: Go up to any hotdog vendor and lock onto them, then press A. He will try to beat you up. If there is a cop nearby, let him hit you. The cops will shoot him down.
Easier chases hint: If you are having a hard time following a target, equip a gun and shoot out their rear tires. Eventually the tire will fall off the rim and your target will start to slow down, letting you keep up with them at a medium speed.
Television channels: The following is what can be seen when you turn on a television:
Weazel Republican Space Rangers cartoon John Hunter political commercial Vinewood Cunts VIG Insurance commercial Weazel Wednesdays Terror Marathon Venturas Poker Challenge
CNT Patriot 500 I'm Rich The History Of The Civil War And Beyond CNT commercial LCPD Recruitment - Join LCPD Fear The Dark Finger movie commercial
Moving up stairs faster: Instead of running up a set stairs, jump up them to go faster.
Running faster: If you are trying to run with a rocket launcher, as opposed to a pistol, chances are the pistol will result in faster movement. If you are trying to run away from anything, try to run with the lightest weapon (or no weapon), if possible.
Regaining health hints: -To regain health during a mission, exit the mission area and go to a Cluckin' Bell, hotdog stand, etc. Eat the food to replenish your health if you are low and cannot find a health pack. This works great on missions where there aren't any health packs in sight. Note: You can also take a taxi to those locations during missions.
-Enter ambulances to get a small health increase.
Playing pool in safehouse hint: Arrange to play the pool activity with a friend and, instead of going to the bar on the map, bring them to your Algonquin Northwood safehouse (if available). Go near the pool table to play.
Control strip club music volume: The volume of the radio stations in the options menu is also used to control the volume of the music inside strip clubs. You can turn it all the way down to make a club completely silent and watch the girls dance to nothing, which is kind of funny.
Various weapon locations and hints: The following is a list of weapons, their locations, and hints on how to obtain them:
Carbine rifle Use a helicopter,boat, or swim to reach Happiness Island. Go inside the first door of the Statue Of Happiness to find a security guard with a carbine rifle. Kill him with your pistol and take the rifle.
Desert Eagle To obtain the Desert Eagle before you can buy it, take it from the gun salesman in Broker after killing him. Note: Doing this will prevent you from making any future purchases at this location. This will also cause bodyguards with shotguns to pursue you.
Grenades Go to the Meadows Park area in Dukes and go straight for "The Monoglobe". Walk in the water to the center of the base and climb up to find hand grenades early in the game.
M-4 assault rifle Go to the Easton area on Algonquin and at the Grand Easton Terminal, go up the stairs in front. Keep going around that floor until you reach a small pond. Move past it until you see a turn going left, then go to the left to get in between a tall building and a smaller one. At the end of the passageway is a dead end. Turn and you will see a glowing orange garbage can. Behind it is an M-4 assault rifle.
Rocket launcher Swim to the island north of Algonquin and climb up the north side of the island. There, you will find a rocket launcher.
Shotgun To get a good shotgun early in the game, go to the strip club. On the way out, there is a manager's office that you can enter that has a large Remington shotgun on the floor.
Sniper rifle There are two smokestacks along the north coast of Algonquin. Climb the ladder on the eastern-most side to find a sniper rifle with a laser sight.
Easy shotgun ammunition: Enter any police cruiser to automatically get five shotgun shells.
Early full pistol and shotgun ammo hint: To start the game with full pistol and shotgun ammo, unlock the ability to save by sleeping on the bed in Roman's home. The knife is also helpful. Go outside Roman's home and kill a few people until the police appear. Kill a police officer and take his gun, then immediately run into Roman's home and sleep on the bed. Save the game if desired. When you wake up, your wanted level will be down and you will still have the pistol. Go back outside and kill more pedestrians. When the cops appear, run up the stairs and turn around at the top of the stairs, then face the door going outside of Roman's home. When the cops go through the door, pick them off with your new pistol. Watch your health and do not worry about picking up the guns. If your health gets low, sleep on the bed. Wake up and when you go outside, there will be lots of weapons. The shotgun will take longer because not every cop has one. However, if you enter the police cars that have been abandoned outside the apartments, you can easily get five shells for the shotgun for each car you enter.
Easy money hints: -An easy way get money is to go to an ATM and cause a traffic jam to the surrounding area. Wait for someone to take money from the ATM and then kill them. Take the money they dropped on the ground. Run a short distance away and come back. The money should reappear on the ground. Repeat this as many times as you want. Kill more people accessing the ATM and their money will also reappear.
-To get easy money, go to an area where there are a lot of people and dial the "Spawn Jetmax" phone number cheat. Position yourself so that the boat spawns above the people and kills them without raising your wanted level. Pickup the money dropped by the people you killed and repeat as desired.
-Steal a Securicar and blow it up to earn about $1,000 from the piles surrounding the wreckage. To do this without getting a wanted level, drive it and get it damaged until it catches fire and explodes. Do not attack it with a weapon, or else it will result in a two star wanted level.
-Park an armored truck in your parking space. Blow it up to take the money. Make sure the blown up truck stays in the parking spot. Then, save the game. Load the game. The truck will be brand new in your parking spot. You will keep the money each time you blow it up and save the game.
Go to Broker or Dukes and find an armored truck. Stop the truck by standing in front of it or blocking it with a car. Then, take out a rocket launcher and blow up the truck. Enable the "Remove Niko's wanted level" code. Collect all the money around the truck.
-Go to the strip club and kill the strippers there. Each one drops about five or six wads of cash. Note: All the guards will attack you.
-Go to the Modo clothing store and kill the cashier. Go behind the counter and stand by the cash register, then press LB to open it to get between $30 and $200. You will also get a one star wanted level for killing the cashier.
-Go to any Internet cafe and walk to the snack bar. Get behind the counter and stand by the cash register, then press LB to open the register and take out the cash. You will usually get $30 to $200. You will also get a one star wanted level for doing this.
-After completing the thirty text message car deliveries, you can spawn Turismos or Super GTs in front of the garage and park them inside to make $11,000 each time.
-Walk into any clothing store and take cash register without getting a wanted level.
-Complete Brucie's missions until you go into the police computer. Once you have done that mission, look at the "Top 10 Most Wanted" section and select a victim. Make a note of his name, then search the "Police Database" by name. Enter your victim's name and choose "Search" to have the criminal's location placed on your map. This is the easiest and the most fun way to get money.
-Go to the Alderney State Correctional Facility and get inside. Then, spawn a car or motorcycle and have the "Remove Niko's wanted level" cheat ready to activate. Kill orange dressed prisoners by hitting them with your car as they usually drop lots of money.
-Complete all thirty car deliveries to Stevie to receive a text message informing you that any car except emergency vehicles brought in will be sold and you will be paid a reward. There is no limit on how many times this can be done.
Unlock ski mask: To unlock the ski mask so you can have it on at anytime, simply complete the "Three Leaf Clover" mission. It will become selectable as a hat in your wardrobe.
Unlock Whiz wireless phone: To unlock the "Whiz Wireless Phone", complete the "Photo Shoot" mission for Playboy X.
See Brucie on "Money Maker" magazine: Zoom in on the magazine in Playboy X's penthouse coffee table to see Brucie on the cover of "Money Maker" magazine with the subtitle "How To Spend It Wisely".
Unlock Claude outfit: Kill Playboy X and get his penthouse, then save the game and restart the system. When you reload your saved game, flip through your outfits and you should have Claude's outfit (the main character in Grand Theft Auto 3). Everything from the leather jacket, the green cargos, and the black shoes with the white stripe on the bottom will be there.
Sex toys hint: Pink "vibrators" are found throughout all of Liberty City. A good place to look is in the warehouse where the final mission takes place. Search in the little bundles of trash on the ground on the inside of the warehouse. They can be found elsewhere, but this is a good place to look since it is also the starting location of Party mode.
"Unleash Ninja Guru" message: At any TW@ internet cafe, go behind the cashier desk and look at the printer to read a strange error message that reads "Unleash Ninja Guru, lol".
Calling a taxi: -To call a taxi, position Niko near traffic--preferably somewhere on the sidewalk. Spot a cab and press LB to have Niko automatically call out for a taxi. It is also possible to order a taxi with the cell phone if you have problems spotting one. Additionally, Niko can eventually earn the ability to call a limo as you progress in the game.
-You can also approach a taxi that already has a fare from the passenger side, then pull out the passenger and get in.
Calling emergency vehicles: Dial "911" on your cellphone to reach a voice menu that will allow you to call the police by dialing "1", an ambulance by dialing "2", or a fire truck by dialing "3". Make a selection and wait for them to arrive. They will stop and look around for the emergency, allowing you to easily steal their vehicle.
Self-healing fire truck: If your fire truck catches on fire, use the water cannon to put out the flames and prevent it from exploding.
How to 'burn out': To do a burnout, hold [Accelerate] + [Brake]. If you keep doing this, the smoke will change color and eventually your tires will burst.
Easy 360s hint: Gain some speed in a car and hold [Handbrake] until you have completed a full 180. Just before you complete the 180, release [Handbrake] and hold [Brake], which will spin you the next 180 degrees. Obviously you will end up facing the direction you were before the attempt. However, some vehicles cannot do this. Also with some vehicles holding [Brake] will spin you back the way you came while using the handbrake, resulting in back-to-back 180s.
Turning off vehicles: Simply pressing TRIANGLE when in a vehicle will cause Niko to immediately exit it. However, when your vehicle is stopped, you can hold TRIANGLE to turn off your car before Niko gets out of it.
Faster motorcycles hint: Note: A PCJ 600 or NRG 900 is recommended for this trick. To drive it faster, accelerate and just as your bike is about to shift into third gear, tap the Left Analog-stick repeatedly about every second. Don't tap it too fast or you will lose rear tire grip. If done correctly, the engine will gradually get near to the end of its last gear. When it gets to the end of its last gear, the revs will jump, indicating that you are traveling at the bike's top speed.
Brucie's races hint: Get any car and, when you get to the race, wait until the race starts. As soon as it starts, shoot out at least one tire on each car, but make it quick.
Stealing cars quicker: When you are being chased by the cops and you see a car you want to steal, don't wait for Niko to break the car window. Instead, take a gun out and shoot at the driver's or passenger's side window and he will just get in the car.
Getting any vehicle from any mission: During transport missions, there will be cars, boats, or planes that can only be used in that mission. Simply kill the person that is with you in the vehicle and it will be yours to keep.
No helmet while on motorcycle: Use the following trick to ride a motorcycle without Niko wearing a helmet. Tap TRIANGLE at any point during the animation where he puts the helmet on, but just before the helmet actually appears. Doing this cancels the animation and Niko will not be wearing his helmet. If you wait too long and press that button after the helmet has appeared in Niko's hand, it will still cancel the animation but the helmet will immediately appear on Niko's head.
How to stay on trucks: Once you jump on a truck, keep tapping the [Jump] and Niko will stay on. Note: This does not work all the time, and if he falls, he loses a small amount of health.
Make other cars honk: -Drive up to a busy intersection and start honking your horn to have other cars join in the fun and honk as well. Get close to a police car and honk your horn. They will run their siren to honk with you.
-When stopped in a car in a large traffic jam, tap out the rhythm of the musical phrase "Shave and a haircut" on your horn to have another car in the traffic jam answer it with the standard two beep "two bits" response.
Funny GPS voice: Steal a luxury car with a GPS. If it has a female voice, sometimes it makes the "bing bong" notification sound herself while giving directions. For example, "At 100 yards, turn left." At the junction, she would say "bing bong" instead of an actual beep.
License plate messages: Certain vehicles have funny notes on their license plates cover or border, such as the "Ruiner" 1980's Camaro clone that has the saying "Ruining Imports Since '67".
Fast repair hint: While in a vehicle, your health will be restored and any damage to your car will fully repaired if you drive over a health pack. This is very useful while playing online in a car that has caught fire.
Free re-paint hint: To have your vehicle painted to the color of your choice, go to any Pay 'n' Spray and have them fix your car. It costs $100. However, if you drive back out then back in without hitting anything, they will give you a free paint job. Repeat this until you get your favorite color.
Roadside assistance hint: If your vehicle breaks down and cannot start, call any number saved in your cellphone or "911" to have your engine start again.
-If your car breaks down, hit it with a baseball bat to get it started again.
Extinguishing your own vehicle fire: If your vehicle catches on fire, run over a fire hydrant. Then, position your vehicle over the spouting water to extinguish the flames before it explodes.
High beam headlights: To turn on the brights in a car, hold SQUARE for a moment. The bright lights turn on, even in daytime.
How to keep more cars: -At the start of the game, it seems like you can only save two cars parked in the "Residents Parking Only" parking spaces in front of your safe house. However, if you can find other "Residents Parking Only" places around the city, you can also save cars there even if you do not have a safe house at those locations yet.
-Outside your first safehouse is a small parking area marked with "Residents Parking Only" signs to park vehicles and save them. Do not park your vehicles fully within the lines. Instead, park vehicles partially within those lines to have more vehicles parked and saved there.
-This trick only works up until you leave the current game session. If you shut off your system and play a multiplayer game or load your most recent save, all but two of your cars will have disappeared. It seems to either save the two cars closest to the center of the parking space, or save two at random.
Saving helicopters hint: Land your helicopter in the space for cars in front of a safehouse to save it.
Vehicles list: The following is a list of every vehicle in the game:
Cars Admiral Albany Banshee Blista Compact Blista Bucanneer Chavos Cognoscenti Comet Coquette DF8-90 Dilettante Dukes Emperor Esperanto Faction Feltzer Feroci Fortune Futo Infernus Intruder Lokus Manana Marbelle Merit Oracle PMP 600 Phantom Premier Presidente Primo Roman's Taxi Romero Ruiner Sabre GT Sabre Schafter Sentinel Stallion Stratum Sultan Sultan RS Super GT Turismo Uranus Vigero Vincent Virgo Voodoo Washington Willard
SUVs, vans, and trucks Biff Bobcat Boxville Cavalcade Cavalcade FXT Contender Flatbed Habanero Huntley Sport Landstalker Minivan Mr. Tasty Moonbeam Noose Patriot Packer Patriot Perennial Rancher Rebla Ripley Securicar Speedo Steed
Motorcycles Faggio Freeway Hellfury NRG 900 PCJ 600 Sanchez Zombie
Boats Dinghy Jetmax Marquis Tropic
Aircraft Annihilator Helitours Maverick Maverick
Commercial and emergency vehicles Ambulance Brute Bus Cabbie Enforcer FIB Buffalo Firetruck Forklift Police Cruiser Police Patrol Police Stockade Predator Sky Tram Subway Tram SWAT Van Taxi Trashmaster
Revisiting your kidnapping victim: While driving through southern Alderny right after completing Garry's kidnapping missions, you might notice a blip on the radar. Drive to the small house to see the mob daughter, who will scream and calls for help. Her father and several gangsters will appear and attack you.
Getting inside the Alderny Correctional Facility: Steal a helicopter and fly over the top of the prison, then land on the basketball courts to avoid getting a wanted level. Once you enter the prison, you can see prisoners talking with each other, eating on the benches, a crazy prisoner, and correctional officers on patrol.
Hospital sex poster: There is a funny hospital poster in the north Alderney hospital on Long John avenue that you can see when you go inside the hospital for a mission. On the left hand side after you walk in, read the Sex poster. Note: It may help if you use your camera or a sniper rifle to zoom in.
Shootout location hint: To find a location that reduces your wanted level, has free Turismos, and is well positioned for a shootout, enter the Grotti auto store in Middle Park East at the intersection of Bismarck Ave. and Pyrite St. (across from Perseus). Go to the upper level to automatically reduce your wanted level of four or more stars down to only three. It is also a good place to hold up for a shootout with the police if you blockade the stairs with one of the show cars, then take position on the large balcony just outside the front windows to shoot everyone. When you are ready to leave, steal a show car (all Turismos) and jump it out a top level window for a great escape, while leaving behind a few stars.
Instant four star wanted level: In Algonquin on the street named Hatton Gardes is a police station that, if you drive in the lot where it is located, you will get a four star wanted level automatically.
Fighting without getting wanted levels: -Go to Fishmarket South where the Helitour is located to find a big line of people waiting to board a chopper. If you stay in that area where the choppers are, you can beat people up without getting wanted levels. It is rare but you might get a star.
-You can also use this location to get easy money by killing everyone standing in line for the helitour at Fishmarket South. Eventually there will be corpses all over the place you will see that the money on the ground will appear again and again. Repeat this until you are satisfied with the money you have collected. Note: The background will start to flash or objects may disappear. Simply leave the location and return and it will return to normal.
Riding the rollercoaster: Steal a Blista Compact or any small sports car and drive to the abandoned rollercoaster at Firefly Island. Knock the section of fence next to the road near the ticket booths and drive onto the section of tracks that is almost level with the ground. Drive your car around the roller coaster. You may get stuck on the turns, but you can carefully squeeze by them if you drive carefully.
Abandoned stroller: You can find an abandoned stroller on a sandy hillside just southwest of Francis International Airport. It is in the park where you meet Derrick. It is not interactive but simply part of the scenery.
Happiness Island shirt: There is a secret Happiness Island shirt laying at the highest point on the statue's base that is reached by foot. It resembles a glowing red rectangle. Once it is picked up, Niko will automatically put it on. It is a navy blue sweatshirt. The front shows the statue and reads "Happiness is..." and is continued on the back with the word "...land".
Hospitals: The following states contain the corresponding hospitals:
STATE - HOSPITAL Broker - Schottler Medical Center Bohan - Bohan Medical & Dental Center Algonquin - Holland Hospital Center, Cerveza Heights Medical Center and Easton Medical Center Alderney - Westdyke Hospital and North Tudor Hospital Center
Hotels: The following is a list of every hotel in the game:
The Celtica The Matterhorn The Majestic Goering Hotels Grand Northumbrian Hotel Underbrucker The Nicoise The Big House Pythagoras Apartments The Abattoir Apartments The Libertine :The Emissary Opium Nights Bell Tower Apartments
Neighborhoods: The following is a list of states and their corresponding neighborhoods:
Algonquin Northwood North Holland East Holland Varsity Heights Middle Park Lancaster Middle Part West Middle Park East Purgatory Star Junction Hatton Gardens Westminster Lancet The Meat Quarter The Triangle Easton Presidents City Castle Garden City Suffolk Little Italy Lower Easton Fishmarket North City Hall Chinatown Fishmarket South The Exchange Castle Gardens
Bohan Boulevard Northern Gardens Little Bay Fortside Industrial South Bohan Chase Point
Dukes Steinway Meadows Park East Island City Meadow Hills Willis Francis Internal Airport Beachwood City Boabo Cerveza Hights
Broker Rotterdam Hill Downtown Schottler East Hook Outlook South Slopes Hove Beach Firefly Projects Firefly Island Beachgate
Alderney Westdyke Leftwood Alderney City Berchem Acter Tudor Normandy Port Tudor Acter Industrial Park Alderney State Correctional Facility
Islands Charge Island Colony Island Happiness Island
Brucie's tattoo meanings: The tattoo on Brucie's breast means "I" in Chinese, the one on his right forearm means "straightforward person", the one on his left forearm means "unqualified", and the one on his waist actually means "shemale".
Finding Eddie Low, the serial killer: During the game you'll hear mention of a serial killer on the radio, television and Internet. You can find him in an alley close to the Auto Eroticar dealership in Alderney. When you get close to the alley a circle called "friend" appears. He asks you for a ride. Go with him hear all the crazy things he has to say.
Finding Frenchie Fox, the strange criminal: Go to an internet cafe and type in www.libertycitypolice.com. Scroll down to the bottom of the site and look for the word "Database" with an icon of a lock next to it. Choose "Database" and select "F-J" at the top. One of the first people to appear is "Fox, Frenchie". Frenchie is a 30-year old girl who prostitutes and donates the "profits" to charity. Her location/birth place is unknown.
Little Jacob survives a headshot: Reach at least 60% friendship with Little Jacob, then call him up to buy some guns. After purchasing weapons, Little Jacob will drive away in his car. If Little Jacob gets stuck with his car, you can shoot him in the head. You cannot open the doors of his car and it will disappear if you get in another car. When you leave the area where you killed Jacob, he will then call you up to ask you if you will give him a ride back home from the hospital. He survived the headshot, apparently.
Finding Lola the lollipop girl: Lola is a prostitute seen during the opening sequence with a lollipop. She can be found near the docks. Investigate The Police Database to find out more info on Lola.
British pedestrian: On Lockowski Ave., there is a British man in the auto car dealership. If you bump into him, he will shout silly British things like "You wanker" and so forth.
Karate pedestrian: At the bottom area of Broker is a beach where, at the edge nearest to Algonquin, you'll find a pedestrian practicing karate.
Translating foreign languages: Pause game play, go to the "Display" option, and turn on the subtitles. This will translate all the foreign languages that are spoken into text, allowing you to read what they're saying at the bottom of your screen.
Extra money on "Blood Brothers": Just before making your decision as to who you are going to snipe (Derrick or Francis), call Francis. He will offer you more money to kill Derrick, resulting in an extra $5,000 for the mission.
Digital porn on "Do You Have Protection": During the mission "Do You Have Protection", when you enter the building with three men, look at the television they were watching to notice that they were watching porn.
Easy completion of "Final Interview": Before Niko goes in for his interview at the law firm, equip him with a knife. During the interview, the instruction caption will tell you to shoot the lawyer. Doing this will make your escape harder as you will have to deal with security guards and the police if you leave through the front door (or a group of police if you jump out the window). Instead, kill the lawyer using the knife and grab the evidence. You can just walk out as if nothing happened. Note: This may also work on any mission requiring a single decisive kill on an unsuspecting target.
Easy completion of "Holland Nights": Rather than fighting your way through the building to kill Clarence, reach the apartment block and go out on the street. Take out your sniper rifle and take him out with a headshot, then simply get in your car and drive away.
Easy escape path on "Holland Nights": As you proceed up the stairs to chase Clarence, you will see a green health kit. Do not take it. Instead, continue after Clarence and follow McCleary's advice about not using your weapon until you are on the second floor. Otherwise, Clarence will just get into a vehicle and leave. If you wait until you are on the second floor, he will climb to the roof. After choosing Clarence's fate, you automatically have a three star wanted level regardless of what you selected. You must battle your way out. Because you are going down, you have a distinct disadvantage in cover and will take heavy damage. To give yourself an advantage, at the start of the mission, park a fast car on the street close to the opening in the gate. Do not pull up to the gate. Use the stairs to your right to give chase. Once you have gotten to the roof and selected his fate, descend to the level with the first aid kit (green box). Sinceyou left it there on your way up, you will know what level you are on and can power up. Go to the side of the building where your car is parked and jump over the railing. Upon landing, you will not lose much health. Sprint to your car and get away from the cops. If done correctly, you should not take a single bullet from police. Note: The health pack is a requirement to survive the fall.
Faster completion on "Out Of Commission": To avoid repeating the SUV chase after arriving where you must enter the car with Roman and Jacob, destroy the enemy car first. You will see an intermission sequence with Roman and Jacob saying that they will get them next time. Choose to retry the mission and you will be taken directly to the shootout.
Purple dildo on "Out Of Commission": When you are going through the warehouse while chasing Jimmy Pegarino, you will trigger an intermission sequence with Pegarino when you enter a small room, talking smack with him. After the sequence, look under the set of stairs in front of you to see a small purple dildo with a mound of dirt around it.
Cheat code warning on "Revenger's Tragedy": Using cheats affects the outcome of this mission. On the boat section, Little Jacob comes down to pick you up from under the helicopter. However, you will be far behind it and will miss the pick-up, thus failing the mission.
Assassin's missions hint: Most of the Assassin's missions are much easier when using a helicopter. Simply land on a high position overlooking your target and use the sniper rifle to kill them.
Random character missions and locations: -There are a total of 22 total random character missions. All but the following count toward 100% completion: Jeff, Cherise, Ivan and Clarence. There are six on the first island (three for Brian, and one each for Mel, Ilyena, and Badman), twelve on the second island (three for Jeff, two each for Marnie, Sara, and Pathos, and one each for Hossan, Clarence, and Cherise), and four on the third island (two for Eddie Low, and one each for Gracie and Ivan). Note: The missions for Ivan, Clarence and Cherise are only available if you don't kill them during the storyline missions. The following random characters only appear after the corresponding missions:
CHARACTER - MISSION Brian - It's Your Call Badman - Shadow Mel - Escuela Of The Streets Ilyena - The Puerto Rican Connection Hossan - The Puerto Rican Connection Sara - The Puerto Rican Connection Pathos - The Puerto Rican Connection Jeff - Photo X Cherise - The Holland Play Marnie - Actions Speak Louder Than Words Eddie Low - Actions Speak Louder Than Words Ivan - Actions Speak Louder Than Words Gracie - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend Clarence - Blood Brothers
-The following missions can be picked up at the corresponding locations. If a person has multiple missions, you must wait at least one or two days before finding them again:
MISSION - LOCATION Brian 1 - Close to Roman's taxi cab stand. Brian 2 - Near Vlad's bar. Brian 3 - Middle left on the map, off Munsee Ave. and Dillon. Badman - Top center of the map off Morris Dr. Mel - Near Vlad's bar on Iroquois. Ilyena - Firefly Island on the bottom of the map, near the park. Hossan - Off Garnet St. Sara 1 - At night near Hossan spot on Feldspar. Sara 2 - At night near the Broker Bridge. Pathos 1 - Middle of the map, off Burlesque and near Lorimar. Pathos 2 - Near the previous location, except off Manganese and Denver-Exeter. Jeff 1 - Near Bismarck and Uranium. Jeff 2 - Will call you on the phone near Bismarck and Topaz. Jeff 3 - Denver and Feldspar. Cherise - Exeter and Wardite. Marnie 1 - Diamond and Liberty. Marnie 2 - Union Drive and Quartz. Clarence - Astoria and Vauxit near Jeff's first encounter. Eddie Low 1 - Between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. at Panhandle and Lockoqski. Eddie Low 2 - Between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. at Aspdin and Cockerell. Ivan - Near Farnsworth and Fleming area. Gracie - Near Babbage Dr.
Most wanted missions: The following is a list of all the 'Most Wanted' criminals and their corresponding crimes and location:
-Bohan Dukes and Broker
Maxwell Caughlin Crime - Gang Related Violence Location - He is just one block north of the safe house in Bohan. As you near him he will pull out and drive away. Shoot him and his friend. Aim for the driver and the tires. If you cannot aim precisely, just fill the car with bullets until they bail out.
Scott Guzowski Crime - Gang Related Violence Location - He and his gang are hiding out in Steinway, in the large park to the west. Go to the road east of them then hop over the wall. There is a small wall down here that will give you cover. Take all four of them out from up here.
Antoinio Rivette Crime - Racketeering Location - He and his friends hide in the train station at South Slopes. Go there and go up the stairs. He has three helpers with him. Be careful as it is very crowded.
Rodrigo Stavnes Crime - Racketeering Location - He and three friends are on foot. Look for the blip location and go to the road west of it. The GPS will lead you to the one east of it. As you get close they will run to the street here. Run them over or shoot them. They will go north and split up at the end of the street. Kill them before that happens to save time.
Fernando Tisdel Crime - Human Trafficking Location - Hides out in Hove Beach. He will come out in a car with three of his friends to the south of the blip. They will then make a run for it. Keep up with them. Try to kill the driver as that will get them to stop and get out, or simply riddle the car with bullets.
Tyler Pickrel Crime - Human Trafficking Location - He is in Meadows Park, to the northeast of the big circle. He will make a run for it when you are close, but on foot. Run him over or gun him down.
Preston Pecinovsky Crime - Credit Card Fraud Location - He hides out in the northeast of Bohan. Approach him from the east. You can now gun them all down or blow up their two cars with a rocket launcher. The rockets are expensive; only use them if they try to get away. You can usually just snipe them, even out of the car as they move. If they take off, steal a car and follow and kill all of them.
Alonso Goralski Crime - Burglary Location - There are two people here at the airport. When you approach, one is in a car. The other person stays near the gatehouse where the blip was. Hunt down the one in the car first then return for the other person. Do not get too close to that second person because he has a shotgun.
Bert Reker Crime - Drug Trafficking Location - They hide out in a junkyard in Bobao. Approach it from the southeast. As you go down the road, stop and pull out a sniper rifle. From up here you can kill a fair number of them already. With their ranks thinned, go down and take out the rest.
Freddy Paparo Crime - Grand Theft Auto Location - Freddy is north in a parking lot in Steinway close to the waterfront and to the west of the bridge going north. As you get closer you will see Freddy and three friends pull out in a car. Fill the car with bullets until it explodes or they bail out then kill them all.
Shon Kikuchi Crime - Gang Related Violence Location - He is in North Holland, in the block across the northwest corner of Middle Park. As soon as you get close, he will make a run for it in a Banshee. At first he is rather slow. Try to get close and shoot him out of the driver's seat. If that does not work he will speed up. Pump bullets into his car until it breaks down so he goes on foot or it explodes.
Jimmy Kand Crime - Gang Related Violence Location - He is in the northern area of the X building in Northwood, the same one Dwayne is at. Enter it through the south and use the stairs, just to the right and then around the corner to your left. On the first floor you will notice that the red target icon changes from an up arrow to a circle. That means you are on the correct floor. Ignore everyone else and shoot Jimmy in his room as he lays there passed out.
Simon Nashly Crime - Racketeering Location - He and his gang hide out in Fishmarket South in the building with the sign Pier 45 on it that looks like a "#" sign on the map. You will find them all over the different levels of this building and they move around. Watch the radar closely to get their positions to find them all. Do not worry if cops show up, as you can also kill them. Your wanted level goes away as soon as you kill the last of the gang.
Tommy Francovic Crime - Racketeering Location - As you approach him in Castle Garden City, he will take off on a bike driving north form his starting position. Ram him with your car then drive over him or shoot him.
Barry Lamora Crime - Human Trafficking Location - He is standing with two friends on the northeast corner of the apartment building on the south area on Colony Island. Kill his friends while he runs away, then chase him down. He moves south towards the old hospital.
Lino Friddell Crime - Hit and Run Location - He and two of his friends are close to Middle Park. As you approach the blip, they will run to the east in that alley then go north to an SUV parked there. If they make it, they drive off and you have to chase them down. Two easy ways to kill them are to drive into that alley and run them over; or drive to the alley in the north and as they go for the SUV and kill them. This also has the advantage that you will block the SUV in case they do make it there.
Juan Haimo Crime - Burglary Location - Found near the north end of Star Junction. When you get close, three bikes will take off from there to the east. Stand where they come out and gun them down before they can get anywhere. Kill any that you can. If one makes off, chase him. Bump the bike to make him fall off, then drive over him or shoot him.
Darren Covey Crime - Arms Dealing Location - He hides with five of his friends in a parking garage in Purgatory. You can get up there over a ramp to the south. When you get the red targets, stop and get out of the car. Take out your sniper rifle and shoot the people from this distance. Stand east of the barrier. By doing this, they will most likely not have a chance to hit you. You can also use the RPG on one of the cars to decimate them, but sniper is cheaper and almost as effective.
Leo Brodell Crime - Drug Trafficking Location - He is in a building just south of the three X buildings in East Holland. The entrance is on the north side, to the very east of the building. When you stand in front of it, the entrance is to the left and to the right is a blue banner on the buildings reading "Real Loose Clothing". The first one is just on the first landing. The second one is on the other side where the steps go up again. Exactly one level above that one is the third person. The next level is clear. Another person stands at the landing of the next level. Then, go up to the door leading to the roof. Shoot the door and immediately to the right behind it is the next person. The last person hides on the roof, to the right around the corner and behind a small wall when you get out there.
Christov Mahonvic Crime - Grand Theft Auto Location - He is in a building in Fishmarket South, just north of the Broker Bridge near the waterfront, with a lot of garbage trucks parked to the south. One of the story missions also brings you to this exact building. All of them are hidden in there. Snipe them from the south, just when you get past the fence. Anything that is not reachable that way (for example, the person in the upper level just to the left when you enter) needs a close up visit. The rest should fall easy prey to the sniper without you getting hit.
Marty Boldenow Crime - Gang Related Violence Location - He is hiding out in Acter, north of the gun shop. Approach it from the south. He has an entire crew there helping him out. Kill them all but be careful as they are equipped with assault rifles.
Noel Katsuda Crime - Gang Related Violence Enjoy!