Saturday, September 24, 2011

Revealed: The CityVille Guide All The Pro's Are Using.

There were so many options & ways to play the game. I attempted a bit
of everything which did not help me progress any faster. It was getting
to the point where I gave up on the game. Then I thought, since I
have already spent money purchasing City Money, why not try out of these
guides. I did some business & bought CityVille Secrets by Tony
'Tdub' Sanders.

I must admit, CityVille looks as if a straight forward &
simple game at the beginning. I have always wondered why some people spend
money on these guides. How hard could it be to build a virtual city? But
as I went in to the higher levels, It was a constant struggle to get
more coins & money to build things to keep my population happy. &
leveling up wasn't as simple as the lower levels.

This guide opened my eyes on the possiblities I seldom imagined before.
The step by step guide on how to make money fast was perhaps the best
part of the guide. I am now on level 28 & I have over 500,000 in
coins! I don't see how I can finish spending it. I'd recommend
someone playing the game to pick up a replica of CityVille Secrets. In lieu
of buying City Money they can all now actually enjoy the game at no cost!

It all changed from there. I no longer buy coins & money to play the
game. In fact, I am progressing faster than I was before. Leveling up
seems simple now. The blue XP bar is increasing so fast now I didn't even
thought it was feasible. I usually check my city at least five times a day
because I am basically in love with the game. But there's days where I
won't be in front of my computer, I only check in one time a day without
missing out on much. Click here to grap your copy now!

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