Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Discover How To Make Real Money With Facebook

optimized it for search engines. The "likes" are just pouring in. What's

If you haven't already, you might try taking Facebook's
socialadvertising offerings for a spin. The ability to target ads to
people based on very specific criteria and cap your ad spend at a daily
amount of your choosing makes for a very cost-effective way to reach
consumers, especially for smaller operations.

Facebook is poised to become the leader in online display ad sales this
year, according to a recent post on All Facebook. Digital marketing
consultancy eMarketer recently released data showing that Facebook has
surpassed Yahoo in display advertising and is expected to have a 17.7%
share of the market this year. That number is expected to rise to 19.4%
in 2012.

Facebook's growth in display advertising marketing share comes as the
social behemoth approaches 700 million users, a milestone it's expected
to reach this summer. Each of these people represents a potential new
fan or consumer for any given business on Facebook, assuming ad
campaigns are set up effectively.

The power of Facebook ads is not just in their potential reach, but also
in the highly granular targeting that's possible. Ads can be scheduled
so that they are only shown to users who meet certain criteria,
for example demographics, education level, location or interests.

For example, the owner of a video game business might purchase
an ad targeting boys between the ages 16-25

The owner of a uniquely-themed fashion store in a major city might
target ads to users based on their age, education and interests, as
expressed by "likes" on Facebook. Of course, the ideal targeting will
vary depending on the business, industry and marketing and to some
extent, there is always an element of trial and error inherent in the

This targeting capability is a big part of what makes Facebook ads a
cost-effective option for small businesses. In addition, companies can
limit their ad spend according to their budgets, capping campaigns at a
certain number of clicks per day.

See how you can better utilise this powerful marketing tool here.

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