- ctrlq.org/screenshots – for capturing screenshots of web pages on mobile and desktops.
- dictation.io – online voice recognition in the browser itself.
- zerodollarmovies.com – find full-length movies on YouTube.
- screenr.com – record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube.
- goo.gl – shorten long URLs and convert URLs into QR codes.
- unfurlr.come – find the original URL that’s hiding behind a short URL.
- qClock – find the local time of a city using a Google Map.
- copypastecharacter.com – copy special characters that aren’t on your keyboard.
- postpost.com – a better search engine for twitter.
- lovelycharts.com – create flowcharts, network diagrams, sitemaps, etc.
- iconfinder.com – the best place to find icons of all sizes.
- office.com – download templates, clipart and images for your Office documents.
- followupthen.com – the easiest way to setup email reminders.
- jotti.org – scan any suspicious file or email attachment for viruses.
- wolframalpha.com – gets answers directly without searching – see more wolfram tips.
- printwhatyoulike.com – print web pages without the clutter.
- joliprint.com – reformats news articles and blog content as a newspaper.
- ctrql.org/rss – a search engine for RSS feeds.
- e.ggtimer.com – a simple online timer for your daily needs.
- coralcdn.org – if a site is down due to heavy traffic, try accessing it through coral CDN.
- random.org – pick random numbers, flip coins, and more.
- pdfescape.com – lets you can quickly edit PDFs in the browser itself.
- tubemogul.com – simultaneously upload videos to YouTube and other video sites.
- scr.im – share you email address online without worrying about spam.
- spypig.com – now get read receipts for your email.
- sizeasy.com – visualize and compare the size of any product.
- myfonts.com/WhatTheFont – quickly determine the font name from an image.
- google.com/webfonts – a good collection of open source fonts.
- regex.info – find data hidden in your photographs – see more EXIF tools.
- livestream.com – broadcast events live over the web, including your desktop screen.
- iwantmyname.com – helps you search domains across all TLDs.
- homestyler.com – design from scratch or re-model your home in 3d.
- join.me – share you screen with anyone over the web.
- onlineocr.net – recognize text from scanned PDFs – see other OCR tools.
- flightstats.com – Track flight status at airports worldwide.
- wetransfer.com – for sharing really big files online.
- hundredzeros.com – the site lets you download free Kindle books.
- polishmywriting.com – check your writing for spelling or grammatical errors.
- marker.to – easily highlight the important parts of a web page for sharing.
- typewith.me – work on the same document with multiple people.
- whichdateworks.com – planning an event? find a date that works for all.
- everytimezone.com – a less confusing view of the world time zones.
- gtmetrix.com – the perfect tool for measuring your site performance online.
- noteflight.com – print music sheets, write your own music online (review).
- imo.im – chat with your buddies on Skype, Facebook, Google Talk, etc. from one place.
- translate.google.com – translate web pages, PDFs and Office documents.
- kleki.com – create paintings and sketches with a wide variety of brushes.
- similarsites.com – discover new sites that are similar to what you like already.
- wordle.net – quick summarize long pieces of text with tag clouds.
- bubbl.us – create mind-maps, brainstorm ideas in the browser.
- kuler.adobe.com – get color ideas, also extract colors from photographs.
liveshare.com – share your photos in an album instantly.- lmgtfy.com – when your friends are too lazy to use Google on their own.
- midomi.com – when you need to find the name of a song.
- bing.com/images – automatically find perfectly-sized wallpapers for mobiles.
- faxzero.com – send an online fax for free – see more fax services.
- feedmyinbox.com – get RSS feeds as an email newsletter.
- ge.tt – qiuckly send a file to someone, they can even preview it before downloading.
- pipebytes.com – transfer files of any size without uploading to a third-party server.
- tinychat.com – setup a private chat room in micro-seconds.
- privnote.com – create text notes that will self-destruct after being read.
- boxoh.com – track the status of any shipment on Google Maps – alternative.
- chipin.com – when you need to raise funds online for an event or a cause.
- downforeveryoneorjustme.com – find if your favorite website is offline or not?
- ewhois.com – find the other websites of a person with reverse Analytics lookup.
- whoishostingthis.com – find the web host of any website.
- google.com/history – found something on Google but can’t remember it now?
- aviary.com/myna – an online audio editor that lets record, and remix audio clips online.
- disposablewebpage.com – create a temporary web page that self-destruct.
- urbandictionary.com – find definitions of slangs and informal words.
- seatguru.com – consult this site before choosing a seat for your next flight.
- sxc.hu – download stock images absolutely free.
- zoom.it – view very high-resolution images in your browser without scrolling.
- scribblemaps.com – create custom Google Maps easily.
- alertful.com – quickly setup email reminders for important events.
- picmonkey.com – Picnik is offline but PicMonkey is an even better image editor.
- formspring.me – you can ask or answer personal questions here.
- sumopaint.com – an excellent layer-based online image editor.
- snopes.com – find if that email offer you received is real or just another scam.
- typingweb.com – master touch-typing with these practice sessions.
- mailvu.com – send video emails to anyone using your web cam.
- timerime.com – create timelines with audio, video and images.
- stupeflix.com – make a movie out of your images, audio and video clips.
- safeweb.norton.com – check the trust level of any website.
- teuxdeux.com – a beautiful to-do app that looks like your paper dairy.
- deadurl.com – you’ll need this when your bookmarked web pages are deleted.
- minutes.io – quickly capture effective notes during meetings.
- youtube.com/leanback – Watch YouTube channels in TV mode.
- youtube.com/disco – quickly create a video playlist of your favorite artist.
- talltweets.com – Send tweets longer than 140 characters.
- pancake.io – create a free and simple website using your Dropbox account.
- builtwith.com – find the technology stack of any website.
- woorank.com – research a website from the SEO perspective.
- mixlr.com – broadcast live audio over the web.
- radbox.me – bookmark online videos and watch them later (review).
- tagmydoc.com – add QR codes to your documents and presentations (review).
- notes.io – the easiest way to write short text notes in the browser.
- ctrlq.org/html-mail – send rich-text mails to anyone, anonymously.
- fiverr.com – hire people to do little things for $5.
- otixo.com – easily manage your online files on Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.
- ifttt.com – create a connection between all your online accounts.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
101 Most Important Hidden Websites
Sunday, October 25, 2015
The Complete Beginner's Guide To Optimize Your Blog For Other Search Engines
Seo (search engine optimization) is a very huge industry on the internet.
Infact it is a multi million dollar industry.
Now the reason for this article ''the complete beginner's guide to optimize your blog for other search engines,''
Didn't just came from a days thought it came from a 4 years experience.
Heard over to google, type the keyword ''seo''
You will fine individuals known as seo experts, companies promising you heaven.
Try to buy say 3 of these products from a seo expert or a company.
I'm not saying you should buy.
That's if you are Thomas.
You will fine out that all of them are telling you the same thing.
Try to do all what they are telling you.
You might end up with just a daily total visit of 20.
This is not even close to making money online.
There are free content that will provide you with more relevant information that delivers results than these paid methods.
Head over to backlinko
Brian Dean, this guy knows what he is saying and most of his content are free.
He does have a course though ''known as seo that works''
You can enrol.
But first try to read his free content.
And maybe this gets you where you want to be online.
Blogging have been gruadually taken seriously by many.
After hearing people are making a 6 figure blogging at the comfort of their homes writing what they love.
Million of people have jump into the blogging field.
You can make 6 figure doing what you love.
- It take some hard work.
- Time
- Allot of patience
When you fall on a blog that the owner is proud of making 6 figure, then don't get excited immediately.
Ask them their success story.
Some if not all will love to tell you what they have gone through.
You will fine out that
- most of them have been blogging for a very long time
- have created and deleted blogs without number
- made many fatal mistakes.
Then due to persistence and stick ability, one day boom they got traffic.
Now that we have a story rolling, lets get back to business.
Today we will be talking about ''the complete beginner's guide to optimize your blog for other search engines.''
If you don't know facebook is the king of social media.
This site have million if not billion of people fidgeting around posting photos, news, videos, chatting with friends, family, colleques, managing business and even buying and selling products.
It is but normal that it is getting billion of search each day.
Make sure you complete your profile, with a description and a real photo of you.
This will create trust.
When posting
- make sure you insert keywords in the post.
- use harshtags (#howtomakepeoplevisitmynewblog)
That's how it looks like.
Don't pack the whole post with keywords as this will make it uninterested.
You want the post to get likes and shares when people fine it.
Twitter is the second largest and popular social media sites.
People hag around here tweeting, checking tweets from their favorite stars, news tweets.
Just like facebook,
- insert keywords in your tweets.
- Keep it interesting
- Use harshtags
Here you want to get people to retweet and favorite your content.
Tweet a blog post, picture, video, news feed more than once to get maximum response.
Reddit is the largest news site on the internet.
People spend time here reading news feed.
You can get search results here as while as fine unique keywords and article ideas.
It is the second largest search engine.
After inserting tags to your video, add some keyword in the description section.
To get more views, make sure you keep the video short (at most 4 minutes.)
Dominated by women.
Known for its addictive nature.
Women are known to be highly addictive.
People spend time here
- pinning
- repining
- liking photos known as pins.
Most common pins are foodstuffs, fashion...
Just try to think what a social media platform with a huge female audience will have and then you get the picture.
People also use it search bar often.
Google has the potential of bringing huge organic traffic to your newly created blog as while as these other social media sites.
With google,
- you need to do more work
- create backlinks
- do keyword research.
- high competition.
Try these other method and maybe you get lucky and one of your tweet, youtube video, facebook status update, reddit post, pin goes viral.
This will generate you allot of traffic.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
How to create A Better Blog Post That Brings Traffic
Unless you are creating a blog just for fun, like say share photos, take down notes... then you will not need to border about blog traffic.
It is not enough to create backlinks, enroll in all the seo courses you fine online, submit articles, submit videos, participate in forums, knowing how to create a better blog post that brings traffic is also an essential part.
If you want to get into some serious blogging with the potential of making a living doing what you love, then you want to take what I say here seriously.
Your blog even if you hire the best designer on the web is useless if it has no readers and better of all subscribers.
Most seo experts will take your money and tell you to create backlinks, do keyword research.
There are even services now online that will ask you to pay for them to do keyword research for you.
Many people take this offer, spend 1000 of dallars and get little or no results.
They end up discouraged and frustrated.
People will even tell you how to place keywords in your article.
This has caused people to write lots of uninterested articles, repeating the same word over and over again.
People need to enjoy what you write, that is the only way they will be prompted to share it.
Even in situations it makes no sense.
If you stumbled on this article ''how to create a better blog post that brings traffic,'' then you can count yourself lucky.
What you will fine here, your seo experts don't have the luxury to tell you.
All they need is your money.
And above all it is free.
Building backlinks and doing keyword research is a most if you want to get search traffic.
Infact google ranks your site according to the number of backlinks it has.
What you want to do first is build backlinks.
If your blog is new, then make sure you do it slowly.
It's not asap.
Google will slap you in the face with a penalty if it notices a huge amount of backlinks to a newly created blog.
Try to do it on high page rank sites, edu and gov. blogs.
This will boost your site rank on google fast.
Then you want to do keyword research.
You don't have to be lazy and spend your hard earned money on companies and software promising you a keyword heaven.
I'm laying an attack on the seo company?
Yes I'm.
4 years of blogging experience is no joke.
I know all the lies and fake promises.
What you sell to people, you should be giving it out free of charge.
You can fall on me for licking the secret all you want.
People have to know the truth.
What do you love and want to write about?
Think about search terms that people will normally search for to get to that product.
Say you want to write about blog traffic.
Common personal and long tail keyword will be ''how to get traffic to my new blog,'' ''how to create a blog post that bring traffic.''
Try to get as much of these personal and long tail keywords and save them on a notepad or any other form you have there to safe a document such as this.
They have a large search volume.
Your best bid to get search traffic is through such keywords.
Don't try to write articles on short tail keywords like ''blog traffic.''
Your chances to rank for such keywords is very low if you will have any.
What you want to do now is take those keywords assuming you already have a good volume of them.
Head over to google.
Type them in the search bar section.
Watch out for the dates these articles that pop up on the front page of google were posted.
If you fine out that most of the articles are 2 years old or older, then you have something at hand to work with.
Click through to these articles.
Spy on how they were written.
Where they scrappy written?
With little information?
Then you want to attack.
Modify the title of such articles.
Add as much new and updated information as you can.
Say you were searching for the key phrase ''how to create a blog post that brings traffic.''
And you found out this was posted since 2010.
And with your experience you know you can write on this better.
Then just do it and the magic will happen.
You want to write articles to please the people.
Meet up with every possible detail they will require in such an article.
If they are satisfy, they will spread the word, getting you even more traffic and backlinks.
Make such you do some promotion yourself if you create an article like this.
Like share it on social media.
Don't create a great content and fold your arms hoping it will work miracles for you.
It is said ''God helps those that help themselves.''
If you help this article by promoting it, then it will return the favor by making people visiting and loving it.
There is no magic to earn some extra money and even a living online.
You have to be lucky to fall on the right people that will give you the information you need free.
Don't go about spending your money on people that will give you things that don't work.
This is all you need to get you started.
If you do it well, it will bring results.
Be patient and tolerance.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Steps For A Better Friendship With God (How To Be A Better Christian)
The reason I came up with this article ''steps for a better friendship with God (how to be a better christian)'' is because I see many people getting it all wrong.
Some people want to believe in God, some people are seeking for God, but they get constant wrong information of who God really is.
Most of them end up discouraged.
After being feed with a constant volume of wrong information.
Church now have become a business where people are looking for a crowd, money and power rather than the purpose for which it was created.
Becoming a Christian is not going to Church, becoming a Christian is not praying lengthen prayers.
When you become a Christian, then you want to know what is going on.
Don't be ashamed to be a Christian.
You should be proud for being a Christian.
I'm going to separate this article ''steps for a better friendship with God (how to be a better christian)'' into sections.
I will try to explain it so everyone gets something out of this.
New Christians, old Christians, Bible scholars, I will try to see that everyone of you get something out of this.
Christianity is not a religion.
It has a book that explains its principles and disciplines (the Bible).
The Bible said ''in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and the word became flesh and dwell among men.''
The Bible claims the whole earth was created by words from the mouth of God.
Then God said ''let us make man, in our own image and let him rule over the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea and the animals on the land.''
To whom did God said this?
God the son and God the Holy Spirit.
God spoke the word and the Holy Spirit did the creation.
The steps of understanding how to get a better friendship with God or how to be a better christian entails that you know how to deal with each member of the trinity.
Mine you non of them is lower to the other.
God the father equals God the son equals God the Holy spirit.
They are one in a form known as the trinity.
Some people say God the holy spirit is lower to God the father and God the son.
That is not true, they are all equal but have different functions and task.
God the Holy spirit is found on earth since from the day of creation.
He is not ''it'' (a thing)
He has an intelligence and feelings.
If he has an intelligence, then he can teach, if he has feelings then he can be pleased and hurt.
Pray to him and he will teach you the ways of a real man, real woman.
He will show you other creatures you have never seen.
He will strengthen your spirit.
He will show you the portal to heaven.
Man can only explain to you the scriptures.
But the Holy spirit will explain to you the scriptures and then spiritual power.
If he is a person, he needs a body to function on earth.
That can be you.
In the days of old, the people had the presence of God in a covenant box.
Only certain people known as priest at the time where allowed to open this box.
There are many incidence when people loosed their lives trying to open this box without the presence of the priest.
Including the 2 sons of Aaron (Moses brother).
The people at that time were not allowed to even read the scriptures for fear of misunderstanding.
Now the Holy spirit lives in the heart of man and every one is allowed to read the Bible for themselves.
God the son is found in heaven.
Seated at the right hand of God the father.
Ruling in the Heaven.
Angels and other creatures.
Heaven have an enemy (the devil and his demons).
There was a war in heaven when the first arch angel Lucifer loosed his power to pride.
When he said I will raised myself above the most high.
He was cast by the most high to the pits of hell and he succeeded to carry along some angels with him.
They are now known as the devil and demons.
God the son have power in heaven and on earth and even in hell.
His reward from God the father for coming to lay his life for man was make his name great.
The Bible said ''upon the name of Jesus every knee on earth shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.''
He was given the keys to the gates of heal.
Don't become his enemy least he release the gates of hell on you.
Pray to him and he will chase out demons from your family and he will protect you from Satan.
He will plead your case infront of God the father.
Mine you he had been in flesh on earth.
He knows the struggle and frustration of man.
He knows your fears, worries.
He was also afraid on the day he was supposed to be crucified.
He will free you from your fears and worries.
The Holy spirit by God the father was a creator, but by God the son, he is a helper.
Jesus said ''I will send you a helper''
God the son will give you peace.
He said ''peace I give unto you, not has man gives but as I give, peace that surpasses all human understanding.''
God the father is God by himself.
He wasn't voted in.
He can't be voted out.
He was God before man knew he was God.
He is the alpha and the omega.
He is all knowing.
No situation has he not been able to solve.
He said ''I know the planes I have for you, planes of God and not of evil, to prosper you and to bring you to an expected end.''
Full of love.
The Bible said ''for God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but shall have eternal life.''
He said ''come unto me and I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know.''
He will protect and lead you.
The Bible said ''the ways of a good man are directed by God.''
He is all power.
He freed slaves from Egypt after they have been enslaved by the Egyptians 400 years.
He open the red sea.
He defeated a giant with a 17 year old boy.
He will do that which he has said.
He said he will lead the Israelites into the promise land (Canaan)
And he eventually did.
Above all there is a promise of a heaven to all those that love him.
Take it or leave it, heaven is real.
There are angels.
God has other creatures.
I could write on this topic ''steps for a better friendship with God (how to be a better christian)'' the whole day.
I have more to say But I could only do that if I know personal needs.
This article is open for discussions.
Feel free to leave your comments, fears, worries and concern.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
1000$ Worth Giant Guide To Blogging For Beginnners Free
Call me crazy but I'm going to share all what I have learnt for 4 years free.
Some of you have started a blog trying to share your bikini swimming pool pictures with your friends.
Some of you have started a blog sharing marriage photos, party photos...
Some of you have started a blog because you heard people are making money blogging.
Yet some of you have started a blog to share what you know.
Let's try to take all of you on board.
People make a living blogging.
People make 6 figure blogging.
But how do you want to do that if you're just trying to share your bikini photos to show people how beautiful you look in bikini's.
Or how do you want to do that if you think people just post anything on the internet and start making money.
Gone are the days when google was new and you could rank for just any thing and get internet traffic.
Google has changed it's logarithms to check if your content has value for it's users, if you're just copying from other blogs, and you can even face a penalty now on google.
Gone are the days when people where still excited to receive emails.
Now people even protect their emails with softwares.
So how do we want to do this?
We are just going to be talking.
I will tell you what you will find every where until it drives you crazy if you want to do blogging.
I will try to make you an expert rather than tell you what everyone is doing.
Who knows maybe you come out with your own stuff.
Article Marketing: Here you will have to right unique articles and submit them to article directories like ezine, articlebase...
To get more, just do a google search on article directories and you will get a tone of them.
Don't choose all, choose say 10 with high page rank (PR)
Now what if you know perfect language and are good in writing articles.
Why don't you capitalize here.
Come out with interesting stuffs about what you know (known as how to's)
Tell people about a vacation you took.
Tell them about the country, region, state where you're living.
Tell them about your favorite food, games and even cultural activities.
Tell them your experience in life, what you find good that people are doing and what you find bad that they are doing.
You want to get an audience.
And the benefit of getting an audience is that you're going to get people that will just follow you, you're going to get people that will support you no matter what and you're going to get people that will disagree with you.
All these people are useful to you since their friends, family, colleagues will like to join in the conversation.
Now if you have a blog or website you don't have to write all your articles relating to that blog.
You can write about your favorite Champions League term, baseball, basketball, or even your favorite animals.
People like to be in a common environment where they can share the things they love and laugh together.
This will get us into another very effective way of getting recognize on the internet.
Forums: A forum is a place where people come and share common interest.
They ask questions known as threads and answer to threads.
What are you interested in?
Football, basketball, Christianity, parenting, dating, marriage, sex.
Search for forums that share that particular interest.
Join say 5 of them.
You have the opportunity to get a link back to your blog in either a profile link or a signature link.
Now you can't just get recognise after say a month on these forums.
You will have to first of all sign in into these forums regularly since most of them show users online.
That alone will create some awareness.
Then you will have to answer to threads, post threads, bring up intelligent arguments, very effective if they're worth arguing about.
So if you want to choose forum posting to get traffic to your blog, then be ready to answer some questions, come up with intelligent questions, receive some hit if you start up an argument.
Video Marketing: Here you create videos about what you're trying to tell the world and upload it to video sites.
The most popular is youtube owned by google and it's the second largest search engine second only to google itself.
You can do a google search to get some more video sites.
What you want to do here is make sure the videos are short at most 4 minutes.
And you will have to create a tone of them if you want to see results.
Blog Commenting: Here what you're required to do is to find blogs in your niche (people that are writing about the same thing you're)
Comment on their posts.
Try to raise intelligent comments like either an agreement or a contradiction.
Here make sure you check the pr of the blog you're commenting on using google rank checker and the number of readers of that blog.
Most blog owners will share with you their number of readers.
This can be very effective if the readers of that blog get to like you or get to argue with you.
With them liking you, maybe you're consistently adding value to that blog.
With arguments maybe you regular disagree with what the owner of that blog is saying.
You have to be able to stand the heat though ''bro''
You must not comment on blogs found only in your niche.
Find you say ten blogs that write about things you're interested in and see how you can participate in the fun.
Maybe the blog owner knows more that you and so you have to just nut the head, or maybe you find the blog owner feeding a group ignorant people with complete nonsense.
Step in raise the alarm in any way to can.
Social Media Marketing: With the raise of social media awareness thesedays like facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, digg, reddit, delicious, pinterest google+...
This means of getting traffic to your blog can not just be ignored.
Facebook alone has more than 2 billion users.
Big companies with large budgets are found on facebook.
Your favorite celebrities are found on facebook.
People even make money on facebook with their facebook pages.
There are all sorts of games on facebook.
Infact facebook has almost every thing for everyone.
Your success here depends on the number of friends you have and the number of fans your facebook page has.
Post regularly and consistently.
Post with pictures have been known to perform better.
I don't know what you want to be telling people but make sure you give the right content so it can apply to people.
Twitter is the most effective mini blogger plateform with a very large audience too.
What you need is followers.
Short and intelligent tweets giving room for retweets.
Follow influential people in your niche.
Retweet other people tweets.
Stumbleupon, as it's name sounds you can just stumbleupon great stuffs.
Follow people so they can know you're there.
Don't just go about liking stuffs.
Your focus is to get notice.
Digg is a news site mostly concerned with technology.
Delicious is a very effective social bookmarking site.
Where you can bookmark WebPages for later use.
Pinterest has a greater women population.
Where they share modelling photos, marriage photos and food photos.
So if you want to get into the game here you must be willing to share female concentrated products.
Also make sure to get followers.
Reddit has become the largest news site recently, I heard even Obama was there.
Head over there make what you're trying to share like a news, find out about the news offering the same content as you join in the game and tap into reddits recent gold mine.
Google+ is owned by google is is known to rank webpage high that get more google +1.
I was just trying to show you how these sites work.
What you want to do is understand your audience.
Know what they're seeking on these social media sites.
Join in give them what they want on a regular basis and raise yourself above the noise.
Try to get as much friends as you can, share and like the stuffs of other people.
SEO: Search engine optimization.
Very broad very complicated and it involves ranking high in search engines like google, yahoo, bing...
We're going to make this sound a little less complicated that must people will tell you.
Basically you rank for keywords, say you rank on the front page of google for the keyword ''on page seo''.
Must people will advice you to do keyword research.
But I for one will say write a well detailed information about what you know and it will get all the relevant keywords you need.
You can go in site like Quora and yahoo answer where people ask and answer questions.
You will find a good volume of what people are regularly asking to get to your product.
Visits news site like reddit and it will give you very unique information about what the latest news about your product is.
Must of the times not even known by search engines.
Head over to google planner.
Now don't enter a keyword in the keyword field, what you will get is what everyone is getting.
This is too competitive for you.
Instead head over to the section where it shows you www.example.com.
Enter your blog url there, a wiki page, other pages relevant to your niche.
You will get what is known as long tail keywords.
Have been proven in time to be very effective.
Choose a few say 5 come out with good and well detailed articles addressing these long tail keywords.
You can choose more if you want to.
5 is just a good number.
Then you will have to get backlinks.
The number of sites your site link to will tell google and other search engines how to rank your site (pr).
Here quality is preferred to quantity.
All the above methods of getting traffic are also the methods of getting backlinks.
You want to capitalize on this.
All of these is not going to be productive over night.
It take some time and some hard work.
You will have to be consistence in what you do and what you know to raise you above the noise so you can create expertise and get people to like and follow you.
If you need any more advise then message me @ mbuwilliams@gmail.com
2015 Social Network Gold Mine (Pinterest)
Pinterest is the fastest growing social network.
With a huge percentage of it's users being women.
Recent studies have shown that it converts better than facebook and twitter.
Probably since it is new people are excited about just any thing they see there.
I have been doing some careful case studies on it for the past 2 weeks now.
I found out something very surprising, people are busy creating boards and making pins rather than getting followers.
Yes having a good number of pins and boards is a great idea.
But the fun is in the interaction.
You want to see people liking repining and sharing your pins, following your boards.
And you can only achieve this if you have more followers.
Follow people like crazy.
Don't create a beautiful pinterest profile with lovely boards and pins on women stuffs after you took an exam on how pinterest functions, set and fold your arms and brag hoping people must like share and repin what you have to show them.
That will not happen, I can assure you of that with all certainty.
You need to go for some outreach.
Just be following people and a good number of them will follow back.
And you will also have the opportunity for your profile to be found on others.
Message me @ mbuwilliams@gmail.com for any comments.
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