Thursday, October 22, 2015

How To Be A Better Believer

The term Believer, is used to define those that believe in Jesus Christ.

His ascension on the cross of Calvary and his resurrection from the dead.

It is said dead on the cross is like foolishness unto man but unto it is the power to salvation.

The question ''how to be a better believer?'' is not a stupid one.

Christianity is not a religion.

It's not going to church neither is it calling each other brother sister and when you don't even mean it or know what you are saying.

I grew up in Cameroon.

Cameroon is found in the centre of Africa.

Where the traditional method of religion is mostly practiced.

Where people believe in leaves, tree backs and worshipping of spirits (idol worshipping).

The people in Cameroon are use to this method of religion when they need an answer to a question man can't answer.

Christianity was brought in Cameroon by missionaries from America.

It faced allot of problems since man by nature is reluctant to accept change.

Till date in Cameroon people still go to church and practice the traditional method of religion.

That's just to come out with a History of what believing in God or Jesus Christ means.

There is a reason I had to go back to were Christianity had it's hold.

The question ''how to become a better believer?''

Might seem like a play question to some of you.

But to me if someone if finding out how to become a better believer, then that is no joke.

The Bible is the book that has everything explaining what Christianity is all about.

There are 3 persons you have to pay particular attention to in the Bible.

They are God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit.

All these 3 function as one known as the trinity.

No one is lower or higher than the other.

The Bible said ''In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and the word became flesh and dwell among men.''

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God.

He is found here on Earth.

He is a person.

Has feelings.

Lives in a body (you).

When Jesus said to his disciples ''I will send you a helper.''

He meant the Holy Spirit.

Jesus could only raise from the dead through the help of the Holy Spirit.

That's how powerful the Holy Spirit is.

The disciples could only begin to preach the gospel after the Holy Spirit had come on them on the day of Pentecost.

That's how helpful the Holy Spirit is.

Don't ignore the Holy Spirit.

Don't be little him.

He is not lower to the father nor is he lower to the son.

He is equal to the father as well as the son.

Pray to him and he will answer you as well.

He will visit you and increase your faith in God.

He will teach you simple things like how to talk to a woman, how to dress well, how to eat, and even how to get your hair done.

He is interested in every little detail of your life.

God the son is Jesus Christ.

In the whole Bible, Jesus Christ came into play in the new testament.

And became the star there on till revelation.

He is even one of the forms God revealed himself to man.

God said ''To your fathers I revealed myself as Jehovah but unto you I reveal myself as Jesus.''

According to the Bible, man had sin and come short of the glory of God.

Every man had gone astray and was going his own way.

They no longer observed the teachings of Moses nor did they obey the ten commandments.

God said ''who is going to die for man.''

Jesus Christ took up the task.

He came on Earth through a woman Mary.

Did some teachings.

His teachings is what is used in most real Churches today.

There is a reason I said ''real Churches.''

If you get into a Church.

This is what you must fine.

They must be using the Prophetic power of God like in the days of old.

The discipleship of Jesus Christ.

Or the teachings of Paul.

He was Crucified on the cross of Calvary.

He roused from the dead on the third day.

Like he rightly said in the Bible ''This temple shall be tie down but like the prophet Jonah, I will rebuild it in three days.''

It is said during his time on the cross of Calvary, he went to hell and released the captives and the keys to the gates of hell was given to him.

The Bible said at the mention of the name Jesus, every kneel shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

So you want to pray to Jesus to gain power over Satan and his Demons.

They are powerful than you.

They had lived in Heaven.

They have been in the universe before you.

They have more experience than you.

But God the father have given the keys to the gates of hell to the son.

Don't even try to ignore him.

Pray to him if you want to know about demonic activities.

God the father is the oldest Character of the Bible.

He is mention from the beginning of Genesis.

As believers, we believe he created the Universe including man.

To get an understanding of who he really is, you will have to read the old testament.

You are going to fine out his power, his boldness and audacity.

You will hear about him releasing slaves out of Egypt.

You will hear about him dividing the red sea into 2 halves.

You will hear about him breaking the walls of Jericho through praise songs.

You will hear about him bringing out water from rock.

You will hear about him Defeating a giant with a 17 year old boy.

There are many other situations.

If I want to outline each and everyone of them here then we will not leave here.

God is a judged God.

No one voted him in no one can vote him out.

He is God all by himself.

He was God before man even knew he was God.

He was God before man even started talking about him.

He is all knowing.

I love him, I talk more about him than the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ.

You will fine out that you will fall in love with one of them.

And they will give you everything you need you keep loving them.

Don't try to see the other 2 as little though.

I wish I could say more.

If you want to know how to be a better believer, then you need to know whom to pray to when you need a revelation of what is going on, on Earth, in the Demonic world or in heaven.

If you want to know what is going on with man, then pray to the Holy spirit.

He is older than you, have more experience than you, wiser than you.

You need to know what he knows through prayer.

You want to know the Devil and other demons really exist, then pray to Jesus Christ.

He will not only show you that they really exist, he will also show you what they are doing.

What to visit Heaven, want to know about the reason of creation, then pray to God the father.

He will let you visit heaven, see angels and other creatures man know nothing about.

Like I mention earlier the question ''how to be a better believer?''

Is really a very huge and sensitive topic.

I could write a book on this.

Infact this information you are getting today most people will rap it in a cd, dvd, pdf file and grab them some few dollars.

There is a reason I want to give this out for free.

Not everyone coming to church, trying to understand what they are doing in church have the budget to spend to know how to grow their Christian live.

They also need to know what is going on.

Read your Bible, ask the Holy spirit to give you the spirit of discernment and the spirit of wisdom.

Ask God questions.

Don't try to box God with the little trash you know.

You are going to get God to the point of hahahah.

You want to know what God knows.

God is not interested in what you know.

He is known in the Bible as the ancient of days.

If you want to know how to become a better believer, then you want to take this seriously.

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