Friday, October 23, 2015

Steps For A Better Friendship With God (How To Be A Better Christian)

The reason I came up with this article ''steps for a better friendship with God (how to be a better christian)'' is because I see many people getting it all wrong.

Some people want to believe in God, some people are seeking for God, but they get constant wrong information of who God really is.

Most of them end up discouraged.

After being feed with a constant volume of wrong information.

Church now have become a business where people are looking for a crowd, money and power rather than the purpose for which it was created.

Becoming a Christian is not going to Church, becoming a Christian is not praying lengthen prayers.

When you become a Christian, then you want to know what is going on.

Don't be ashamed to be a Christian.

You should be proud for being a Christian.

I'm going to separate this article  ''steps for a better friendship with God (how to be a better christian)'' into sections.

I will try to explain it so everyone gets something out of this.

New Christians, old Christians, Bible scholars, I will try to see that everyone of you get something out of this.

Christianity is not a religion.

It has a book that explains its principles and disciplines (the Bible).

The Bible said ''in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and the word became flesh and dwell among men.''

The Bible claims the whole earth was created by words from the mouth of God.

Then God said ''let us make man, in our own image and let him rule over the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea and the animals on the land.''

To whom did God said this?

God the son and God the Holy Spirit.

God spoke the word and the Holy Spirit did the creation.

The steps of understanding how to get a better friendship with God or how to be a better christian entails that you know how to deal with each member of the trinity.

Mine you non of them is lower to the other.

God the father equals God the son equals God the Holy spirit.

They are one in a form known as the trinity.

Some people say God the holy spirit is lower to God the father and God the son.

That is not true, they are all equal but have different functions and task.

God the Holy spirit is found on earth since from the day of creation.

He is not ''it'' (a thing)

He has an intelligence and feelings.

If he has an intelligence, then he can teach, if he has feelings then he can be pleased and hurt.

Pray to him and he will teach you the ways of a real man, real woman.

He will show you other creatures you have never seen.

He will strengthen your spirit.

He will show you the portal to heaven.

Man can only explain to you the scriptures.

But the Holy spirit will explain to you the scriptures and then spiritual power.

If he is a person, he needs a body to function on earth.

That can be you.

In the days of old, the people had the presence of God in a covenant box.

Only certain people known as priest at the time where allowed to open this box.

There are many incidence when people loosed their lives trying to open this box without the presence of the priest.

Including the 2 sons of Aaron (Moses brother).

The people at that time were not allowed to even read the scriptures for fear of misunderstanding.

Now the Holy spirit lives in the heart of man and every one is allowed to read the Bible for themselves.

God the son is found in heaven.

Seated at the right hand of God the father.

Ruling in the Heaven.

Angels and other creatures.

Heaven have an enemy (the devil and his demons).

There was a war in heaven when the first arch angel Lucifer loosed his power to pride.

When he said I will raised myself above the most high.

He was cast by the most high to the pits of hell and he succeeded to carry along some angels with him.

They are now known as the devil and demons.

God the son have power in heaven and on earth and even in hell.

His reward from God the father for coming to lay his life for man was make his name great.

The Bible said ''upon the name of Jesus every knee on earth shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.''

He was given the keys to the gates of heal.

Don't become his enemy least he release the gates of hell on you.

Pray to him and he will chase out demons from your family and he will protect you from Satan.

He will plead your case infront of God the father.

Mine you he had been in flesh on earth.

He knows the struggle and frustration of man.

He knows your fears, worries.

He was also afraid on the day he was supposed to be crucified.

He will free you from your fears and worries.

The Holy spirit by God the father was a creator, but by God the son, he is a helper.

Jesus said ''I will send you a helper''

God the son will give you peace.

He said ''peace I give unto you, not has man gives but as I give, peace that surpasses all human understanding.''

God the father is God by himself.

He wasn't voted in.

He can't be voted out.

He was God before man knew he was God.

He is the alpha and the omega.

He is all knowing.

No situation has he not been able to solve.

He said ''I know the planes I have for you, planes of God and not of evil, to prosper you and to bring you to an expected end.''

Full of love.

The Bible said ''for God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but shall have eternal life.''

He said ''come unto me and I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know.''

He will protect and lead you.

The Bible said ''the ways of a good man are directed by God.''

He is all power.

He freed slaves from Egypt after they have been enslaved by the Egyptians 400 years.

He open the red sea.

He defeated a giant with a 17 year old boy.

He will do that which he has said.

He said he will lead the Israelites into the promise land (Canaan)

And he eventually did.

Above all there is a promise of a heaven to all those that love him.

Take it or leave it, heaven is real.

There are angels.

God has other creatures.

I could write on this topic ''steps for a better friendship with God (how to be a better christian)'' the whole day.

I have more to say But I could only do that if I know personal needs.

This article is open for discussions.

Feel free to leave your comments, fears, worries and concern.

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