Sunday, February 19, 2012

Give Him Your Cares! Thursday, Feb 9th

Pastor Anita

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body raiment? (Mathew 6:25)
The verse above is an invitation from the master for you to trust Him with your life. He wants you to have no care or anxiety whatsoever about anything, Because God loves you greatly, and tenderly cares for you. He’s saying to you ‘’Give me your cares!’’

As a child of God you must come to a point in your life where you know, without a doubt, that God is not only big enough to take care of you but equally willing to do so. He’s more willing for you to live and enjoy life to the full than you could ever be. This takes the stress out of life; knowing that you serve a loving and compassionate father, whose desire is for you to live a victorious life. The reason many people in the world are unhappy and burdened with lots of worries, being surfeited with the cares of life is that they’re yet to accept His invitation: they haven’t given Him their cares.

1 Peter 5:7 says ‘’casting all your cares upon him; for he careth for you.’’ God cares for you personally; that means he knows you and He’s concerned about you, therefore trust Him with your life. The psalmist knew what it meant to trust the Lord this way; he was so sure of God’s ability and willingness to guarantee his safety hence declared with all certainty: ‘’ Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt receive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me’’ (Psalm 138:7). This should be your attitude as a child of God.

Too many are focusing on the challenges and problems they’re facing, and as a result lose sight of God’s grace and presence with them. By meditating on their challenges they short-circuit the power of God from working on their behalf. Refuse to dwell on what ever challenges you may be facing right now! Rather, think on the ability of the spirit; He’s all-great and powerful and can put you over every adversity.


I refuse to fret or worry over any thing because God loves me and He’s big and powerful enough to take care of me! Therefore, I live victoriously in rest today, having cast all my cares upon Him. Blessed be His Name.

Further Study:

Mathew 6:25-34

1 Year Bible Reading Plan:

Mathew 26:57-75

Exodus 36-37

2 Year Bible Reading Plan:

Acts 8:31-40

Esther 5-6

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