Saturday, February 18, 2012

Maintain Your Good Character Tuesday, Feb 7th

Pastor Chris

Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God. –what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect (Romans 12:2 GNB)

Often at times you find people who allow their good character to be corrupted or negatively influenced by bad behaviour or ill treatment they receive from others. For instance, someone could decide to stop greeting a neighbor or Colleague, because each time he greats that neighbor or colleague, he or she doesn’t answer. To make such a decision will mean you’re allowing someone’s bad behaviour change your good character. Never allow that happen to you.

That a friend or an acquaintance took undue advantage of your good behaviour is no justification for you to change to the worse. Maintain your good character. Keep on being the nice, loving and caring one; it will pay off. The question to ask before making a decision to change your good behaviour should be ‘’was it right for me to do what I did?’’ If it was right, then you shouldn’t change it because someone else doesn’t like it.
Don’t be moved by the negative actions, comments or ill treatments from others. Rather, response in love to those who hurt or despitefully use you. If you act this way, you’ll be protecting your spirit and at the same time promoting love, harmony and unity. Make the quality choice not to allow someone’s bad behaviour change your good character.


I refuse to allow the inadequacies of others rub-off on me or change my disposition. I’m who God says I am; a bright light, shining in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. With the word of God, my mind is constantly renewed and I walk in God’s will for me.

Further Studies:

Romans 12:2; Philippians 2:15

1 Year Bible Reading Plan:

Mathew 26:1-30

Exodus 32-33

2 Year Bible Reading Plan:

Acts 8:1-15

Nehemiah 1-2

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