Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sow The Seed Of Love Monday, Feb 6th

Pastor Anita

And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath…
(Deuteronomy 28:13).

Some people get frustrated when they feel unloved or unappreciated by others. This is because they depend on others to make them happy, and when they meet people who don’t seem to care for them, they feel crushed. That’s not God’s dream for any believer. Instead of waiting for people to care for you, He wants you to be the one to care for others. That’s the way to think; don’t wait for people to care for you. Rather live life from the start point of a blesser, and look out for people that need to be loved, blessed and cared for.

You need to see yourself as God’s outstretched hand to bless your world. God said to Abraham: ‘’And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favours] and make your name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing {dispensing good to others]’’ (Genesis 12:2 AMP) You’re the seed of Abraham, and you’ve been called to dispense good to others. When you learn to see yourself this way, your happiness and joy won’t be dependent on others, but will naturally effused within you: ‘’But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering gentleness, goodness, faith’’ (Galatians 5:22)

Be willing to show to others the same love you desire to receive. If you show love, you will receive love. The Bible says, ‘’Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap’’ (Galatians 6:7). If you sow the seed of love in abundance, you’ll surely reap a harvest of love from others in a greater measure. The beautiful thing about it is, when you sow love in abundance, you won’t only receive love from those to whom you expressed love, but also from people you never new before.


Dear father, thank you for expressing your love through me to my world today. I function from a position of advantage today, refusing to be dependent on others for love and fulfillment, but freely dispensing the love of God that’s shed abroad in my heart, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

Further Study:

Mathew 5:13-16

1 Year Bible Reading Plan:

Mathew 25:31-46

Exodus 31

2 Year Bible Reading Plan:

Acts 7:46-60

Nehemiah 13

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