Sunday, February 19, 2012

Strengthen The Inner Man Monday Feb 13th

Pastor Chris

For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthen with might by his spirit in the inner man (Ephesians 3:14-16). 
Man is a spirit and he dwells in a body. That spirit or inner man is the real you. As the body or outward man can be weak, so can the inner man be weak if not properly nurtured spiritually. Your inner man must be strengthened with might-miracle working ability-at all times for you to be able to deal with the crises of life.
Food is to the physical body what the word, prayer, and meditation are to your inner man. Your inner man is strengthened as you spend time studying and meditating on the word, and praying in the spirit, in other tongues. You also develop the right character and are able to do the things of God more effectively.

Christians who vacillate, not being able to do the things they should do, or strong enough to refuse those things they shouldn’t do, demonstrate an inner weakness. When the inward man is energized, he’ll make the body do what it’s supposed to do, and refrain the body from doing what it shouldn’t do. You need that inner fortitude and strengthening in your spirit to forge ahead in life.

You may say ‘’I like to pray, but sometimes I just can’t get myself together to do it’’; or ‘’I want to win souls, but somehow I feel too shy and intimidated to speak.’’ Such things happen when your spirit is not energized. When your inner man is strengthened, you become fervent in the things of God all the time. You’ll love to pray and praise God; studying the word will become an exhilarating experience for you! It won’t be hard for you to talk to somebody about Jesus; because you’re energized for the Gospel from within; you’re on top every day, bubbling for the Lord.


In the name of Jesus I’m strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holly Ghost. I function today with the spirit of might, dominion and excellence, as the word of God gains the mastery in my spirit, soul and body; dominating my thoughts and actions, in Jesus’ Name,

Further Study:

Colossians 1:11; Psalm 84:7 (NIV); Colossians 1:29

1 Year Bible Reading Plan:

Mathew 28

Leviticus 4-5

2 Year Bible Reading Plan:

Acts 10:1-15

Job 3-4

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