Sunday, March 25, 2012

Get Christian Porn Filter Software (Protect Your Family From Internet Pornography!)

How can the christian porn filter software be of great help to you and your family? One of the greatest problem Christian families are facing today with their children and some times even with their partner is the problem of internet pornography. It’s a really sad story because even though internet pornography has the potential to cause great damages even in a Christian relationship and also has the ability to destroy children’s approach towards sex, the truth is, the adult entertainment industry is extremely powerful and they have the means and funds necessary to bring their unwanted content into your home with or WITHOUT your permission. So you can see, that posses a great danger to your children. So you need to fight back to protect your family. And trust me; the christian porn filter software can be of great help!

Still not convinced why you need to get a christian porn filter software? Then it’s time to release the shocking truth.

  • One in five children ages 10-17 have received a sexual solicitation over the Internet.

  • One in four children who use the Internet are exposed to unsolicited sexual material.

  • 2.5 billion Emails per day are pornographic (YES BILLION!).

  • 70 percent of sexual advances over the Internet happened while youngsters were on a home computer.

  • 21 percent of teens say they have looked at something on the Internet that they wouldn't want their parents to know.

Sad right, but the good news is with the christian porn filter software, you won't have to worry about your family being exposed to this crap ever again!

So Christian parents you can see for yourselves even though computers and internet are a great place for youngsters to get helpful information and learn during the process, the internet has the potential to expose your children to pornography some times even without them browsing over such sites. For example, there is a new yahoo pop up, when you sign into your yahoo account, a girl just pop up from no way telling you she is bored or something and needs someone to talk to, then she gives you a link, and if you click through, you fall directly to a porn site. And trust me they are very persuasive and have a style of talking that can easily convince a youngster into clicking through the link they gave. So parents don’t just sit back and tell your children pornography is bad. They might take your advice. But remember they are not as strong as you are to resist consistent porn offers in all forms, and don’t you forget they are still in the explosive stage of their life.

Your family is precious so don’t let internet porn destroy your children. Please get the christian porn filter software and now! And it also comes with a 60 days risk free trial version. Your family is counting on you, don’t let them down!

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